Derry board OKs generator for Town Office Will allow building to be used as Emergency Operations HQ
Bruce Frauman | Jul 03, 2018 | Comments 0

From right, board member Jim Ameden, Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie and board member Bob Forbes looking at the generator bid. All photos by Bruce Frauman unless otherwise noted.
By Bruce Frauman
©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC
The Brookfield Service bid of $26,485 to install a 50kW generator was accepted by the board contingent on a review of the specs by Town Administrator Robert Nied and possibly an electrician. Nied was absent. A second bid was almost $10,000 above that. The generator will power the Town Office building during power outages.
This enables the building to be used as the Emergency Operations Center during a time of crisis. Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie said 50kW was “way, way oversized for this building,” but that was what was specified by the FEMA grant.

A burned out building on Middletown Road is of concern to the town. Photo by Shawn Cunningham.
Board member George Mora began the discussion of what to do with derelict buildings. Mora mentioned two on Middletown Road: one on the corner of Route 100; the other is the burned building further up on the left.
Dismantling of the first building had started, but then stopped.
Mora said two options are to pursue a legal process and to have the town Health Officer condemn the buildings and use town money to demolish them.
Board member Bob Forbes said “non-compliance started years and years ago,” so he doubts a legal process would be effective. Board member Taylor Prouty said whatever action the board takes ought to be considered carefully so a proper precedent will be established.
Other members liked Mora’s idea to hold a wider discussion to include the Planning and Conservation commissions and Zoning Administrator Nied. Ameden added landowners to the list. The board chose to table the discussion.
After meeting for 10 minutes in executive session with current 911 Coordinator Jim Twitchell and Town Clerk Kelly Pajala, the board voted in open session that the town 911 administration will be handled by the Town Clerk.
Thompsonburg paving complete; equipment troubles & shuffles
Road Foreman Mathew Rawson told the board that the paving of Thompsonburg Road has been completed and two town trucks are down with maintenance issue.At a special board meeting held on June 11, Fuller Sand and Gravel was awarded the contract to reclaim and pave Thompsonburg Road from Old School Street to Cross Road. Rawson said Fuller will return to add aprons on Rowes Road, Magic Mountain Access Road and the Transfer Station. The town asked contractors for bids on many other paving projects. Labeau told The Telegraph the bids will be used to plan for other paving projects in coming years.
Rawson also said a decision must be made on how to build a wall in the middle of the new sand and salt shed, which he told the The Telegraph is like a “wind tunnel.” He added that a door on at least one end may be needed. Forbes said he will look for information that former board member Paul Gordon gathered about what material and how much would be needed to build a wall.
Labeau said she will write a request for bids for the backhoe now used by the Transfer Station after board member Tom Cavanagh said the board needs to think about how to dispose of it. Rawson said now that the new wheeled excavator is in service, the town’s backhoe will be brought to the Transfer Station for use.
Live Music Mondays kicks off at Pingree Park
Parks Board member Kelly Pajala said the first Live Music Monday at Pingree Park will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on July 9 featuring The Mike and Beth Show. The event is free and attendees are urged to bring blankets or chairs and a picnic dinner. To find out more about Music Mondays and other events click below.Filed Under: Featured • Latest News • Londonderry
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