To the editor: Vote to fight tyranny of Act 46

The political campaign season is here once again. Vermonters have another chance to make a much needed course correction in the relationship we have with our state government. The forced school closures and mandated mergers involved with ACT 46 are tyrannical.

Local stakeholders, which include parents, grandparents, taxpayers and every voter, should be determining if their rural schools should stay open or be closed. These decisions should never belong to Gov. Phil Scott, the Vermont Agency of Education or the current Windsor County senators who voted for ACT 46.

Windsor County has three liberty minded, Republican candidates running for the Vermont Senate. These three are dedicated to putting an end to the forced school mergers, school closures and the tyranny of ACT 46. Please support and vote for Randy Gray, Jack Williams and Wayne Townsend. These good men will fight to return control of our public schools to local democratically elected town school boards. The primary election is on Tuesday Aug. 14. Please go to the polls and vote.

Stu Lindberg

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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