To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who made golf tourney successful

The staff, the clients and the volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services are grateful to all of those who pitched in to make the recent golf tournament a success.

The tournament raised more than $5,000, which we will use to defray the costs of several of our food programs. Our programs succeed because of the generosity of our neighbors and friends in the community, and this is just one more example of that generosity.

We thank our generous hosts at Killarney’s Restaurant. Mark Verespy and Tyler Butterick were the driving forces making this event fun and profitable.

Thanks go to Okemo Valley Golf Club for the use of their facilities as well as Suzanne Garvey and Doris Eddy for their coordination efforts.

We also thank all of those volunteers who sold raffle tickets, and we thank all of the sponsors that made the tournament such a rousing success. Finally, we thank everyone who participated for their generous support.


Peter J. LaBelle
Board President

Audrey Bridge
Executive Director
Black River Good Neighbor Services

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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