Chester Chatter: Movie violence is just too much
Ruthie Douglas | Jul 23, 2018 | Comments 1
By Ruthie Douglas
©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Filmmakers seem to think that moviegoers want to view blood, guts and gory scenes. Not this woman. I have the right to walk out of the theater or I can turn on the lights. I get so upset, I can not handle these violent stories.
One does not need to bury his head in the sand. Of course terrible things happen in real life but I just do not have to expose myself to them. Recently at the local movie house I was surprised at the reaction of the audience at a sad, violent scene: It was laughter.
What in the world is happening? Are folks unhappy with life and take their anger out by watching smoking guns, bombs and body parts flying across the screen?
Hey, let’s think about it. There are many stories to be told and they do not deal with violence.
Here and there
The band Fry Daddy opened this summer concert series on the Chester Green. It was a perfect summer evening and folks enjoyed listening to the music. The concerts are held every Thursday evening through Aug. 9. You can find more about the series in the new Chester Telegraph Calendar. And you can find out about more music, arts and nature events throughout the area in the Calendar. Just click here.Corey Riendeau of Virginia visited her mom, Donna Whitney for a few days. The gals spent the day in York, Maine, to celebrate Corey’s birthday.
How beautiful our town looks with the flowers planted by Chester Townscapes. This year volunteers are kept very busy watering the many plants. A bit thank you to these folks.
Jean Petraska celebrated her birthday with a gathering of family members at the home of her son Jedd Petraska, who is a great cook and served a delicious meal to those attending.
Construction on Rt. 103 is making a real difference to our town and beyond.
The annual camping trip at Able Mountain State Park in Randolph was held this past weekend for members of the Sons of the American Legion. Those attending from Chester Legion Post 67 were: John Waite, Adam Holden, Ben Weyman, Jerry Stewart and Sue and Milt Willis. The gang had a great time.
Priscilla Peck died recently. She once drove a school bus for Green Mountain High School and worked part time for the Chester-Andover Elementary hot lunch program. She will be missed.
- This week’s trivia question: What man in Chester owned a vending machine business and also installed all the speakers at the Belmont Drive-In?
- Answer to last week’s trivia question: Bob and Fritz Stocker, who lived in Chester, owned the Belmont Drive-In.
Street Talk
Has area road construction caused you any problems?

Filed Under: Chester Chatter • Community and Arts Life
About the Author: Ruthie Douglas is originally from Springfield but has called Chester her home for 58 years, and has been writing the Chester Chatter column for more than 40 of those years. Ruthie is also a longtime volunteer throughout the community.
I agree Ruth, on the violence in movies. I stopped watching movies over 15 years ago! Nothing worth seeing. All just computerized, blue screen scenes, no real acting or talent worth seeing. I prefer plays and operas where the actors have to act. And laughing at the violence? That is the results of several generations of video games that were not real and meant to amuse the mindless. No different than watching the coyote outsmart Elmo Thudd on Saturday morning cartoons and fall off cliffs. As to the construction? It is annoying. I didn’t think there was anything wrong with Rte 103? Many other secondary roads are more in need of repair.