To the editor: Bock announces re-election bid

I would like to announce that I am seeking re-election for the 2019/2020 legislative term as a Democrat for the Vermont House of Representatives for Windsor 3-1 District  representing Andover, Baltimore, Chester, and parts of North Springfield.

It has been an honor to serve as your representative in Montpelier during the past two years and I hope that the community will entrust me with that responsibility again in the forthcoming legislative session.

I am proud of the work done in the last session serving on the Agriculture & Forestry Committee and as an active member of the Rural Economic Development Caucus, as well as supporting passage of gun safety legislation and a balanced budget.

We want a Vermont that works for all of us. My support of initiatives that provide the resources to make our state an attractive place to live and work will continue to be a priority for me.

I will work hard on improving the lives of Vermont’s working families, cleaning up our waters, and helping rural economies and communities thrive. I would love to have your support for another term to ensure that every Vermonter has the opportunity to earn a livable wage, receive a high-quality education and affordable health care, and to retire with security.

I ask for your vote in the upcoming Democratic Primary on August 14, 2018.
Please feel free to contact me at 875-2222, or by email at or with your questions and concerns.


Rep. Tom Bock

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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  1. Ron Patch says:

    I’ve always liked Tom. I voted for him in his first run as state representative. But because he voted for the new gun laws that have had a negative impact on my business and restricted my freedoms, I will never vote for him again.

    Most don’t know the new background checks on private sales require finding a Federal Firearms License dealer to transfer firearms. Where and who are these dealers? Give me a list of local dealers.

    Oh and did you know it’ll cost you $30 to $50? And if you do buy or sell a gun privatel, you can go to jail for a year? This includes your father’s double barrel shotgun or his Winchester Model-’94

    Meanwhile the nutcase Fair Haven student who threatened to shoot up his school has been released from jail. It seems to me they should have worked on that law, not restricting the average Vermonter’s freedoms.

    When it comes to guns, one size does not fit all.

  2. Mark Green says:

    As I recall when I was in Montpelier watching the gun debate he voted for S55 which put gun restrictions on law abiding Vermonters!!