Archive for July, 2018

Chile lime whitefish An easy summer supper off the grill
By Jim Bailey Simple, inexpensive and a great subtle hint of tart and spice. These fish packets are a great picnic item during the summer, as well as an easy supper idea during the colder months. 4 (4-to-6 ounce) white fish fillets Salt and black pepper as desired 1 teaspoon minced garlic in oil […]

Chester Chatter: Movie violence is just too much
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Alright, already, I can no longer stand violence. Filmmakers seem to think that moviegoers want to view blood, guts and gory scenes. Not this woman. I have the right to walk out of the theater or I can turn on the lights. I get so upset, I can […]

Boy in drowning incident dies at DHMC
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Five year old Jackson Lawrence died this afternoon at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center after falling in the water at Lowell Lake on Friday. His grandmother, Julie Lawrence, drown in an attempt to save him. Police say that no life jackets were in use at the time of the incident. According […]

Authorities search for missing Windmill Hill hiker
A hiker who became separated from his companions on Saturday continues to be the focus of a search by the Vermont State Police and other agencies today. According to the VSP, Elliot Wikkes, 29, was hiking with a group on the trails of the Windmill Hill Pinnacle Association in the area of the Ridgeline and […]

Henry Homeyer: Building a stone retaining wall
By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Many years ago, when I was young and foolish, I decided to build an 80-foot long terrace for fruit trees, and to edge it with a nice fieldstone retaining wall using stones I could find on my property or on the nearby property of a friend. It was […]

UPDATE:Two killed in S. Derry head-on collision Driver from Andover, passenger a S. Londonderry resident
UPDATE: July 23, State Police have identified the man and woman killed in Saturday night’s crash. They are Triston Morin, 42 of Andover and Shannon Tremblay, 47 of South Londonderry. By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC An Andover man and a South Londonderry woman were killed Saturday night in a headon collision with […]

Woman drowns trying to rescue grandson 5-year-old in critical condition following Lowell Lake tragedy
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Manchester woman drowned in Lowell Lake in Londonderry on Friday afternoon trying to save her 5-year-old grandson who had fallen into the water. According to a press release from the Vermont State Police, Julie Lawrence, 55, of Manchester Center was attempting to rescue 5-year-old Jackson Lawrence […]

To the editor: Watson’s remarks ‘mischaracterized’
Your July 18 article Resistance to Tierney Road quarry continues by Julia Purdy was well-written and was largely factual. However, there were several statements that need correction or comment since they convey a negative impression on the group of Tierney Road residents that oppose the quarry. First, Ms. Watson did not “demand” anything. To say […]

To the editor: BRGNS thanks all who made golf tourney successful
The staff, the clients and the volunteers at Black River Good Neighbor Services are grateful to all of those who pitched in to make the recent golf tournament a success. The tournament raised more than $5,000, which we will use to defray the costs of several of our food programs. Our programs succeed because of […]

Troopers investigate overnight thefts from vehicles
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Drivers may want to lock their vehicles overnight as the Vermont State Police are investigating a rash of thefts last night in Saxtons River and Putney. According to a VSP press release, police responded to a number of theft complaints this morning after one or more thieves entered unlocked vehicles […]

Andover Select Board agenda for July 23, 2018
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 7 p.m., on Monday, July 23 immediately following the Board of Abatement hearing. It will meet at Town Office, 953 Andover-Weston Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes […]

Derry residents seek action on decrepit buildings Safety, property values cited as board asked to intervene
CORRECTION: The board agreed with Lister Sandra Clark’s suggestion to waive the penalty for late filers of homestead declarations this year since the list is very small. By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Eleven residents of Middletown Road and Parsons Lane crowded into the Londonderry Select Board room on Monday evening to ask for […]

TRSU board refuses to approve SU spending plan Powden again proposes to spend district funds, gets one-year contract with smaller raise
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC On the same night that it offered Superintendent Meg Powden a one-year contract with a 2.75 percent raise, the new Two Rivers Supervisory Union Board also rejected her proposal to spend more than $90,000 of a state grant earmarked for the use of the local school boards […]

Resistance to Tierney Road quarry continues; tax rates set in Cavendish
By Julia Purdy © 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A group of Tierney Road residents turned out for the Cavendish Select Board meeting on Monday, July 9 to continue their efforts to halt a quarry project on their road. In October 2017, the proposed quarry on .64 acres of land currently owned by Justin and Maureen […]

Chester DRB agenda for July 23, 2018
The Chester Development Review Board will hold its public meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday, July 23 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1) Review draft minutes from the July 9th meeting 2) Citizens comments 3) Conditional Use application ( # 526) by Scott & Leslie Blair 4) Conditional Use application […]

Artists sought for Derry exhibit, sale
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Londonderry Arts and Historical Society will exhibit the works of local artists from Aug. 3 to Sept. 1 at the Custer Sharp House, 2461 Middletown Road, Londonderry. Exhibit hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Wednesdays. There will be an artists’ opening reception from 5 to 7 […]

Telegraph Business Ticker One business returns, another expands in Chester
Ron Theissen ‘returns home’ with new CPA office © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ron Theissen is coming “home” to Chester. After two years in Ludlow, Theissen says that, as of July 1, he he has been “reclaiming” his space in the Henry Office Building on Main Street. As Ronald J. Theissen, CPA, CFP, his firm […]

To the editor: Vote to fight tyranny of Act 46
The political campaign season is here once again. Vermonters have another chance to make a much needed course correction in the relationship we have with our state government. The forced school closures and mandated mergers involved with ACT 46 are tyrannical. Local stakeholders, which include parents, grandparents, taxpayers and every voter, should be determining if […]

Telegraph Poll: On Yosemite Fire House’s future
The Chester Telegraph decided to conduct this poll after receiving a press release from the Chester Historic Preservation Committee*, which is an informal group of Chester residents that addresses the value, condition and possible uses of Chester’s historic buildings. Now that the historic Yosemite Fire House is officially owned by the Town of Chester, the […]

College News
Ryan Smith of Weston has been named to the President’s List at Western New England University in Springfield, Mass., for the spring 2018 semester. Smith is working toward a degree in Sport Management. Students are named to the President’s List for achieving a semester grade point average of 3.80 or higher. Trinity College of Hartford, […]