Archive for July, 2018

Community & Arts events: July 18-July 23, 2018
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Weston board lowers tax rate slightly; mulls future of Wilder Memorial Library
By Bruce Frauman ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on Tuesday, July 10 set the tax rate at $2.0607 for homesteads and $2.1706 for non-residential property, less than last year’s rates. Board Chair Denis Benson said the total revenue is expected to be $1.979 million. Last year’s rates were $2.0807 for homestead and […]

Chester Chatter: A Cole Pond camp in the woods
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC For more than 50 years, my family enjoyed the cabin on Cole Pond in Jamaica. It was our gathering place, the cabin in the great woods, our retreat from a busy world. It was built by the unskilled labor of family members, put together with hand tools, without […]

A simple Yankee take on a Mexican classic
By Jim Bailey This dish can be made with beef, pork or white meat chicken as well, but stick with the goodness and bulk of Mexican husk tomatoes (tomatillos), it truly stands out! And try to find squash or pumpkin seeds (pepitas) in your local supermarket (see NOTE below). Yankeefied because of its simplicity, […]

Weston’s ‘West Side Story’ infused with energy Stunning ensemble work, choreography in a timely musical
By David Lampe-Wilson ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC W ho would believe that a Broadway musical with social underpinnings would be as relevant today as it was 60 years ago, but that’s how it is with the American classic West Side Story, which is being given a dynamic revival at Weston Playhouse. West Side Story is, […]

Henry Homeyer: Tips for building a garden arbor
By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I was a beginning gardener, I just planted vegetables in one place, flowers in another, and never spent 2 minutes thinking about the overall design. I was growing veggies to eat, flowers to admire or to cut and arrange in bouquets. But reading gardening books and and […]

Chester Select Board agenda for July 18, 2018
The Chester Select Board will meet a 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 18 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the July 3, 2018 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. Update on Wheels in the Field Event; Lee Whiting 5. Library Operations Update 6. Local […]

Chester Select Board sets tax rates, gets EMS building report
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its July 3 special meeting, the Chester Select Board set the non-residential tax rate at $2.0580 per $100 of assessed value and the residential rate at $1.9493. Last year’s rates were $1.9793 and $1.9274 respectively. (The 2016 rates were $2.0182 and $1.9545.) The rates represent an […]

Porsche car show to be moved to Academy Bldg. Organizers, merchants to work together for mutual success
By Shawn Cunningham © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A planned Columbus Day weekend car show will be moved to a more merchant-friendly location across the street from the Green in Chester. Called Wheels in the Field, the event would take place in several areas around town to showcase Porsche automobiles and BMW motorcycles. Those locations […]

7th Heaven: Weather perfect for Derry July 4th
The weather was perfect for the Londonderry 4th of July Parade, which was held on Saturday, July 7. It was not to hot and not too muggy. The sun shone bright, but it didn’t brow beat the hundreds of spectators and participants. A light breeze blew every so often. But it only refreshed. It didn’t […]

Telegraph Business Ticker Joe Karl joins Raveis Real Estate; Chester Community Alliance elects new officers; Weston Playhouse sets up theater fund to honor retiring directors; and Furniture restorer offering new line of paints
Joe Karl joins Raveis Real Estate William Raveis Real Estate Vermont Properties, 29 Locust Hill Road in Ludlow, announces the addition of Joe Karl to its team. Karl, of Chester, has been selling real estate in the Okemo area since 1998, initially as part of the team brought together to sell Jackson Gore. Karl has […]

To the editor: Candidate concerned by polluted waters
I hope that everyone enjoyed our celebration of independence and freedom from our former controlling Monarchy motherland, Britain. We must eternally thank our Founding Fathers and armed citizens who fought against the odds for our freedom. We must never disregard our founding documents or the foundation of our country. The constitutions were written for the […]

Community & Arts Events: July 12-July 16, 2018
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar. To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703. To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on […]

Chester merchants worried about October event To meet with organizers to seek fix for parking loss
By Shawn Cunningham ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC A Select Board-approved event to be held on Columbus Day weekend has upset merchants on The Green, where a portion of the event is set to be held. These merchants are saying that they were never consulted about the event, only learning about it from The Chester Telegraph, […]

Chester Chatter: A ball called Tommy and my guinea pig hairdo
By Ruthie Douglas ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC These past few days, I have been hanging out near my air conditioning, as I have been on the mend from a leg infection. Being bored, I have been recalling times long ago, emptying out my head. Our family oftentimes rented a cottage on Lake Hortonia for a […]

A tasty plate that will invade your senses
By Jim Bailey Crunch, sweetness, tang, acid and tartness … in every single bite. This teriyaki orchard chicken recipe can easily be stuffing for a wrap as well by simply chopping all ingredients and rolling into a wrap with the dressing as a dip. Pineapple Poppy Seed Dressing: 1/2 cup pure olive oil 6 […]

‘Fun Home’ is a must-see theater experience A witty, endearing musical of serious themes
By David Lampe-Wilson ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Playhouse continues its inaugural year at the new Second Stage at Walker Farm with the Tony Award-winning musical Fun Home. And it is everything a theatergoer hopes for — it entertains, it enlightens, it engages. The production never puts a foot wrong and we are rewarded with gem […]

Henry Homeyer: Trees that even tree-huggers can hate
By Henry Homeyer ©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Tree-huggers to the contrary, not all trees are good. Yes, they all take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, reducing global warming. Yes, they provide shade, keeping us cooler during hot stretches in summer; most trees are great. However, some are invasive, crowding out others and sucking up […]

Chester Police seek help finding missing man
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Police Department seeking help in finding 20-year-old Brandon Adams-Smith. Adams-Smith was last seen in the Springfield area in early June. He has not been in contact with his family since the end of May 2018. Adams-Smith is approximately 6-feet to 6 feet 2 inches and weighs 150 to […]

Andover Select Board agenda for July 9, 2018
The Andover Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, July 9 at Town Office, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from June 25th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 minutes […]