To the editor: Dr. Dan would serve Vermonters

In looking at our current political leadership, many of us have been asking a fundamental question: Who do you serve? Are there any signs of human compassion or acts of true presidential leadership coming from the White House?

I am particularly disappointed in our congressman, Peter Welch, who has succumbed to taking PAC money from the pharmaceutical companies. He cosponsored HR 471, which streamlined how opioids are dispensed. A CBS 60 Minutes documentary referred to the sponsors of the bill as blood money because many Americans may have died consequently.

So I ask Congressman Welch: Who do you serve? I have always been supportive and proud of our Vermont Democratic leadership in Washington, and especially Bernie Sanders more recently. Things have changed.

In the Vermont Democratic Primary, I am voting for Daniel Freilich who is challenging Peter Welch for U.S. Congress. Dr. Dan pledges to Reclaim Democratic Heart and Soul. He is eminently qualified despite the fact that our local Vermont Democratic Party leadership has denied Dr. Dan the voter list. Who do they serve?

Not only am I voting on Tuesday, Aug. 14 on my Democratic ballot for Dr. Dan, I am actively working for him. I am hearing so much concern, so many questions, and a sense that these are times when one can no longer be silent and not act.

Lew Watters
Stone Village

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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