To the editor: GM kitchen preps for new year Paper goods gone, composting program to start

Green Mountain Union High School is once again preparing for another school year here in the kitchen. I would like to welcome our new 7th graders and invite them to come down to the cafeteria and check us out for breakfast and lunch.

Many of you from Chester-Andover Elementary School will be pleased to know that your account number for meals is the same as last year. New students will be assisted by our cashier as to their number. Please be advised we do not allow meals to be charged;  we encourage everyone to maintain a positive balance in their lunch account. Parents can access their child’s account simply by going to and setting up an account. We do offer a la cart items such as drinks, ice cream and chips. These items are purchased on a cash only basis. All menus can be seen on the school’s website.

We offer both breakfast and lunch with options to choose from at both meal services. We offer two serving lines: One is the hot meal of the day and the other is the grab-and-go line for you to create a healthy lunch including cold sandwiches and pizza. Daily, we also offer the salad bar. There is really no reason why students would not be able to find a great, healthy lunch.

Last school year, we began to eliminate paper products. It was very successful with the help of many students. We eliminated paper plates, plastic ware, paper cups, portion packets like ketchup, mayo, and mustard, and salad dressings. And we saved at least $700 on paper plates alone.

Now, we are moving toward composting food scraps for the entire district. We have been speaking with a company called Grow Compost of Vermont that offers an efficient method of dealing with all food scraps. This will reduce even more what we send to the landfills, two years before the law banning food scraps from dumpsters goes into effect.

Our Jr. Iron Chef Vermont Program is alive and well. The teams a looking forward to starting up practice this fall. The famous monthly Senior Citizen Luncheons will begin at noon on Wednesday Sept. 5. We offer our luncheon the first Wednesday of each month all school year.

Please call me with any questions or concerns: 802-952-9133


Jack Carroll
GM Food Services

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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