To the editor: Fireworks donations sought
The Chester Telegraph | Aug 13, 2018 | Comments 0
Chester’s fireworks have been in existence for over 20 years. Each year we have managed to raise the money necessary for this event through donations from local businesses and town’s people.
We, as a town, look forward to these fireworks each year and many of us plan our holiday picnics/parties around this event. The 2018 display is scheduled for Labor Day weekend, Saturday, Sept. 1.
The total cost for this fireworks display is $5,500. We are asking the town to consider continuing its support by donating $2,500 again this year. We will, of course, be approaching our other usual sources for donations to assist with the rest of the cost. If you are planning an outing designed around the fireworks, consider putting out a can for donations from your guests to help with the cost of the display.
For individual donations, checks can be sent to Chester Fireworks c/o TDBank, 48 Main St., Chester, VT 05143
Thank you for your consideration.
Pat Budnick
The Fireworks Committee
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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