Community & Arts events: Sept. 9 – Sept. 13
Susan Lampe-Wilson | Sep 03, 2018 | Comments 0
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
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To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.

Visit Six Loose Ladies Fiber Shop to find out more about their weekly gatherings
Sept. 9: Spinning Group meets at fiber shop
Six Loose Ladies’ Odd Bobbins Spinning Group meets the second Sunday of every month from 2 to 4 p.m. at the shop at 287 Main St. in Chester.Drop in on Sunday, Sept. 9, there is no charge to attend. All spinners are welcome.
Contact the shop for more information at 802-875-7373 or find out more by visiting their website at
Sept. 9: Pico, Bromley hikes with
the Green Mountain Club
On Sunday, Sept. 9, join the Manchester Section of the Green Mountain Club for a hike up Pico Peak. Meet at Clark’s IGA at 8 a.m. at 5700 Vermont Route 100 in Londonderry to car pool, or meet at 9 a.m. at the large dirt parking lot across from the Inn at Long Trail at 709 US-4 at Killington.
The group will hike up the Sherburne Pass Trail to Pico Camp, then up the Pico Link to the Pico Summit. This is a slow-paced 6-mile hike, with 1,900 feet elevation gain. Bring lunch, snacks, fluids, extra layer and a hat and raincoat just in case. Poles are helpful on the steeper sections. Reservations are required. Reserve your spot by contacting Marge Fish at or calling 802-384-3654.
On Monday Sept. 10, join the Green Mountain Club for a hike from the north up Bromley Mountain. Meet at 8:30 a.m. at the Peru Town Office\Peru Park and Ride 402 Main St., in Peru village then carpool to the parking lot on Mad Tom Notch. Hike up to the summit of Bromley Mountain and back, with a total distance of 5 miles and elevation gain of 814 feet to the north summit plus an additional elevation gain of 200 feet to the south summit. Bring and extra layer and raincoat just in case, fluids, snacks and lunch. Reservations are required. Contact hike leader Katie Brooks at or 516-978-4016.
Sept. 9: 170th Anniversary Gage Walk & Talk
On Sept. 13, 1848, Phineas Gage left his Cavendish boarding house and walked into the annals of medical science. Gage was a foreman overseeing the blasting of rock for the laying of the railroad. In a matter of seconds, Gage went from talking to his crew to being knocked off his feet when a charge was accidentally set off, sending a tamping rod through his head.
Explore Phineas Gage’s path into medical history
He became the first documented case of traumatic brain injury and helped to usher in the field of neuroscience. Each year on the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the accident, the Cavendish Historical Society hosts a Gage Walk & Talk.
This year’s Walk & Talk takes place at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 9 at the CHS Museum, Route 131 in Cavendish. The walk includes the location of the accident, Dr. Harlow’s home/surgery, and the boarding house where Gage was taken after his injury.
Comfortable walking shoes are recommended.
This program is free and open to the public. For more information, call 802-226-7807 or

Remembering the McCarthy era
Sept. 13: ‘Red Scare in the Green Mountains’ book talk
Black River Academy Museum, Friends of the Ludlow Auditorium and the Book Nook welcome Vermont film historian Rick Winston to Ludlow for a talk about Winston’s new exploration of the McCarthy Era in Vermont, Red Scare in the Green Mountains: Vermont in the McCarthy Era 1948-1960.This book talk will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13 at the Frank Heald Auditorium upstairs in the Ludlow Town Hall at 37 S. Depot St. in Ludlow.
In his book, Winston explores what happened in Vermont when the anti-Communist fear known as the “Red Scare” swept the country. The book describes how a small, rural “rock-ribbed Republican” state with a historically libertarian streak handled the hysteria of the time. The Green Mountain state challenged the national narrative with its own fascinating stories.
Copies of Red Scare in the Green Mountains will be available for purchase and to be signed at the event. For more information, email or call the Book Nook at 802-228-3238.
For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
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