Archive for September, 2018

Bring those zippy Margarita flavors to pork
By Jim Bailey Margarita is basically a lime/orange tasting alcoholic drink and these same flavors can be used in a wide assortment of recipes. Pork just so happens to absorb these flavors in a way that seem to go hand-in-hand very well. (Besides, if you have any mix left, make yourself a Margarita to […]

Robert Webb, 84, grew up at Wilderness Camps
Robert Howard Webb of Lincoln, Mass., and Brooklyn, N.Y., died August 23, 2018 of Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson’s Disease. Mr. Webb was born on Oct. 17, 1934 to Kenneth and Susan Webb, founders of the Farm and Wilderness Camps in Plymouth, Vt. He spent his childhood exploring the woods and trails of the Green Mountains, […]

Henry Homeyer: Love those red-leafed trees, shrubbery
By Henry Homeyer © 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC Everyone seems to go wild for sugar maples trees in the fall because, here in New England, their leaves turn wonderful colors – yellow, orange and, best of all, red. But some trees and shrubs have reddish or purplish leaves all summer, and these, too, are very […]