Community & Arts Events: Oct. 5-Oct. 13
Susan Lampe-Wilson | Oct 01, 2018 | Comments 0
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703.
To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.

Explore the seasonal outdoors with your preschooler
Oct. 5: Preschool Nature Program offers
outdoor fun, learning
The Mighty Acorns Club is The Nature Museum’s group for young explorers, ages 3 to 5. The group invites children and caregivers to join them at this month’s program Fantastic Fall Changes: Colorful Leaves and More.
From 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 5, gather together for an autumn adventure. Observe the colors, smells, and tastes that come with the new season, try some apple cider, learn about what fall means for critters and plants, and go on a nature scavenger hunt. The Nature Center is at 186 Townshend Road in Grafton.
The cost is $5 in advance per child or $8 drop-in. Caregivers attend for free. Register online at here or email
Oct. 5-8: Harvest Fest at Stratton
Stratton Mountain’s signature Columbus Day Weekend event, Harvest Fest, returns Friday, Oct. 5 to Monday, Oct. 8. Activities include music, hiking and family fun resort-wide at the mountain at 5 Village Lodge Road in Stratton.Events include a Zero Gravity Beer Pairing Dinner, Brewfest, Chili Cookoff, North Face Race to the Summit, Bluegrass band Greensky and a Kids Fire Tower Hike.
For more information, call 1-800-787-2886 or visit
Oct. 6: Postcard and Stamp Show
The 38th Crossroads Show sponsored by the Upper Valley Stamp Club will be held at the Mid-Vermont Christian School Gym, 399 W. Gilson Ave. in White River Junction, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
There will be 24 dealers with stamps and postcards.
Admission is free and is the parking.
Oct. 6: Final West River Farmers Market of season
Saturday, Oct. 6, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., will be the last West River Farmers Market of the 2018 season.Come to Williams Park – at the flashing light at 100 VT-11.
Founded in 1993, the West River Market is among the largest and oldest in Vermont.
The market’s 40 vendors sell fresh local produce and cheeses, local meats, poultry and eggs, maple products, pickles, plants, prepared food and drinks, baked goods, crafts and more.
Many market days feature live music and there are picnic tables on the site. Several vendors take credit cards and visitors can also use an ATM card to purchase tokens – that can be used at any vendor’s booth – from the market manager.
Oct. 6: Christmas Under the Tent sale at Family Center

Chester Andover Family Center
Holiday items for decorating, entertaining and gift giving will be available. Everything under the tent will be priced from $1 to $25.
A free hot dog lunch is served from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to thank customers, volunteers and shoppers. Also featured on Saturday are a bake sale and a raffle for a hand-made tote bag and a gift certificate for a live Christmas tree. A reading area with free books to entertain the children while mom and dad are shopping will be set up.
The Family Center is a non-profit, volunteer run organization. Proceeds from the Thrift Shop and this special sale support the Food Shelf and Financial Assistance Program for residents struggling to make ends meet. For more information visit them on Facebook or or call 802-875-3236.

Simon Pegg fights off a zombie attack in this hilarious film
Oct. 6: ‘Shaun of the Dead’ at Heald Auditorium
Rated R, Shaun of the Dead is a 2004 comedy horror film directed by Edgar Wright, written by Wright and Simon Pegg, and starring Pegg and Nick Frost.The Friends of the Ludlow Auditorium screens the film beginning at 7 on Saturday, Oct. 6 at Heald Auditorium at Ludlow Town Hall, 37 South Depot St. in Ludlow.
Pegg plays Shaun, a directionless Londoner who is caught in an apocalyptic zombie uprising. The movie is rated R (for zombie violence/gore and language).
The movie is free and open to everyone; donations are appreciated. Popcorn will be supplied by Berkshire Bank and water by FOLA. For information, call 802-228-7239 or visit the FOLA web site at
Oct. 6-13: 3-session course on Basic Observational Astronomy
The Southern Vermont Astronomy Group offers a three-session Basic Observational Astronomy course held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 6; Wednesday, Oct. 10; and Saturday, Oct. 13 at Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester.Claudio Veliz leads the short introductory course that covers the basics of exploring the night sky with the naked eye, binoculars and telescopes. The program consists of presentations, hands-on activities and astronomical observing, skies permitting.
Class tuition is $55 for non-members and includes a 2019 SoVerA Membership. Members pay $30. Visit for registration instructions.
Oct. 7: Pick a pumpkin at Bromley Fall Fest
Visit Bromley Mountain as it celebrates fall with a hot cup of apple cider and pumpkin decorating Sunday, Oct. 7. The decorating begins at 10:30 a.m. and will continue until the last pumpkin is picked.Pumpkins are limited (first come, first served) and come with one free cup of hot apple cider at 3984 Vermont-11 in Peru. For more information, visit
For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
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