To the editor: Townsend for Windsor senator

I’m writing to inform your readers about the candidacy of Wayne Townsend of Bethel for state senator to represent Windsor County.

Wayne is a farmer, a logger, and multigenerational Vermonter. The life experience he has accumulated coupled with his drive, common sense nd honest sense of humor make him uniquely qualified to hold office.

Mr. Townsend has a deep reverence and respect for the traditional Vermont values that so many of us hold dear. If elected, Wayne Townsend will go to Montpelier ready to work tirelessly so that all Vermonters will have the educational and economic opportunities that encourage future generations to stay here and enjoy successful lives without having to leave. I would encourage your readers to go to Wayne’s Facebook page.

Or, just call and chat with him at 1-802-417-9947

Thank You,

Ken Colby

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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