Community & Arts events: Oct. 11 – Oct. 18
Susan Lampe-Wilson | Oct 08, 2018 | Comments 0
For a full listing of upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
To find out how to become a Calendar Partner, email or call Cynthia Prairie at or 802-875-2703.
To be included in events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.

Learn about telescopes with SoVerA
Oct. 11: Class on how telescopes work
Join the Southern Vermont Astronomy Group’s Pat Porch as she presents a review of common telescope designs and principles with refractor, reflector and catadioptric telescopes set up for demonstration, covering focal length, aperture, field of view, eyepieces, calculations for f/ratio and magnification.
The class will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 11 at Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester.
Tuition is $40 for non-members, which Includes a 2019 SoVerA membership. Members pay $15.
Click here for registration instructions.
Oct. 12: Learn international folk-dancing
Melissa Lovell Post, an expert in international folk-dancing, is holding classes in international dance geared toward beginners and intermediate-level dancers.
No partner is necessary. Classes are $5 each and are held from 10:30 a.m. to noon on Fridays at Chester Town Hall, 556 Elm St.
Post has attended many workshops led by experts in Balkan dance, as well as dances from other cultures. She extended her knowledge by living a year in Croatia. She has taught folk dancing to recreational groups for the past 35 years, and has a clear teaching style that allows learners to pick up the dances quickly. For more information, contact Post at (802) 875-4102
Oct. 14: Explore history of Unitarian Universalism
Learn about the history of the Unitarian Universalism faith. The Rev. Kevin Carson presents a series of Sunday services on the history of Unitarian Universalism during 9:30 a.m. worship services in October and November at the First Universalist Parish, 211 North St./Route 103 in Chester.
The Rev. Kevin Carson
The theological origins of Unitarians and Universalists from ancient Greeks to the Reformation will be discussed at the Sunday, Oct. 14 service. The music for this service will include a medieval chant by Hildegard von Bingen, an Orlando di Lasso motet, and a renaissance mandolin ensemble.
On Sunday, Oct. 28, Carson speaks on European roots and the influence of religious movements in Europe during the turbulent centuries after the Reformation. Music will include Vivaldi’s Laudamus te by the choir and a Bach solo, Bist du Bei Mir.
During the final service in the series on Sunday Nov. 4, hear about Unitarian Universalism as an American faith, including the development of both the Unitarian and Universalist sides as a tradition in America and their eventual merger. The choir will sing an 18th century piece by William Billings, considered to be America’s first choral composer.
Everyone is welcome to join and learn about the historical roots of the Unitarian Universalist faith. Childcare is available and coffee and light refreshments are served at 10:30 a.m. following the service. For questions, email
Oct. 15: Deadline for Outerwear & Blanket Drive
Winter’s chill is approaching, and many local people are challenged to keep warm. For the 11th year, churches, schools, and organizations in Chester and Andover have joined forces to collect new and gently used outerwear and blankets. Hundreds of coats, hats, mittens, sweaters, boots, and blankets will be distributed free to anyone who needs them.To participate in this community event, look through your winter wear and blankets and donate any extra warm things you no longer need. The group is especially interested in coats, boots, and snow pants for children. Having items come clean and ready to use would be very much appreciated.
Collection boxes will be found at various locations throughout Chester and Andover and include the Andover Community Church, Chester Town Office, Whiting Library, Chester Congregational Church, Green Mountain Union High School, Chester-Andover Elementary School, St. Joseph’s Church, and First Unitarian Parish. You can make your donations at any of these locations through Oct.15.
The free “shopping” event is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 19 and 20, in the Fellowship Hall at the Chester Congregational Church located at 469 Main St. in Chester. All items are free. Anyone can choose from the selection of blankets and outerwear. Left over items will be donated to other local agencies.
If you have any questions, contact Edie Brown at 802-875-3889.
Oct. 16: SoVera on the secret lives of astronomers
Rick Bates teaches a light-hearted, yet substantive look into the private lives of some of the folks behind the telescopes. Learn about the odd, intriguing, hilarious and insightful private lives of some of the scientists whose public work led to their current knowledge of the known universe.The session is 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 16 at Whiting Library, 117 Main St. in Chester. Tuition is $40 for non-members, which includes a 2019 SoVerA Membership. Members pay $15.
Click here for registration instructions.
Oct. 18: Knit Knite at Six Loose Ladies
From 5 to 8 p.m. every Thursday, Six Loose Ladies opens its doors for Knit Knite.
Whatever your fiber passion join this group for fun, friends and fiber.
Six Loose Ladies Yarn & Fiber Shop is located at 287 Main St. in Chester. For more information, contact the Ladies at 802-875-7373 or click here.
For a complete listing of events, please see The Chester Telegraph Calendar.
Filed Under: Community & Arts in Brief • Community and Arts Life
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