To the editor: Vote out Clarkson, McCormack and Nitka
The Chester Telegraph | Oct 29, 2018 | Comments 0
The taxpayers of Vermont and Windsor County can no longer afford to have Alison Clarkson(D), Dick McCormack (D) and Alice Nitka (D) represent us in Montpelier.
Since 2013, state Rep. Clarkson, now a state senator, has voted to raise fees and taxes on Vermonters by the astronomical amount of $344.6 million. Vermonters are struggling mightily under this heavy burden. Clarkson’s voting record can be found by clicking here.
Voters should know that in February 2015, Clarkson was shameless in calling for a pay increase for herself of $17 per hour for services done for constituents when the legislature is not in session. Sacrifice used to be a prerequisite for public service. Apparently this is not a concern for Clarkson. It should also be known that Clarkson is one of the most vocal opponents of school choice in Vermont. Meanwhile, she chooses to send her own kids to the elite private Groton prep school in Massachusetts. Clarkson’s “progressive” imagination appears to have no moral boundaries.
In February of 2015 she also co sponsored House Bill 57. This bill gives the state the right to steal your body. Under this bill, the state will start harvesting your body parts for its use. Although presumed to be altruistic, it is “moneytruistic.” This law is so bad on so many levels there is not time or space to decry how really bad it is.” Clarkson also voted for ACT 46 and is an enthusiastic supporter of this tyrannical legislation.
Sen. Dick McCormack’s tax and spend voting record, while not as ruthless as Clarkson’s, is still oppressive. Since 2013, McCormack, has voted to increase fees and taxes by $183 million. His voting record, which shows the tax and fee increases, is also an indictment of his condescending attitude toward his constituents in regards to local control of siting large industrial wind turbines, commercial solar fields as well as his lack of respect for local control of education.
Last, but certainly not least, is Sen. Alice Nitka, Since 2013, Nitka has voted to raise fees and taxes on her constituents by the obscene amount of $347.9 million. Her voting record can be found by clicking here. She voted for Act 46, which is now going to close Black River High School. This high school is located in her home town. So much for looking out for her constituents.
The combined experience of this team of career politicians makes them more qualified to be tax collectors than representatives of the citizens of Vermont. If there was ever a case to be made for constitutional term limits it would be the voting records of these three. Since we don’t have term limits in Vermont it is up to the voters of Windsor County to put these three in the unemployment line on Tuesday Nov. 6.
Vermonters deserve a better and brighter future. The voters of Windsor County have the opportunity to elect three non politicians to the Vermont Senate. They are Republicans and working Vermonters Wayne Townsend, Randy Gray and Jack Williams.
Stu Lindberg
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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