Weston Board targets cluttered Longley Loop
Bruce Frauman | Nov 21, 2018 | Comments 0

The Weston Select Board considers action. All photos taken from GNAT-TV
By Bruce Frauman
©2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Crandal had suggested to Benson that the board forego a season of grants so the road crew could catch up on culvert replacement, to which the board agreed.

Board member Bruce Downer urges the town to keep a paper trail on attempts to clean up Longley Loop.
The board also agreed with board member Bruce Downer that a paper trail be established as much as possible and as soon as possible regarding town efforts to clear Longley Loop of the clutter which has caused problems for town road crews as they try to plow and otherwise keep the road clear for traffic.
Board member Ann Fuji’i said she will provide information on what she has done to correct the situation. She said she has been playing phone tag with a representative of the Department of Environmental Enforcement about Langley Loop. The representative had asked for pictures, which Fuji’i said she provided but she has not heard back from him except for a message that he had returned her call.
Downer expressed concern that, should there be a medical emergency in one of the two houses on Longley Loop and an ambulance could not get through, the town could be held liable. Downer added, “it is time to say we need some help here” from the state.
After an extended discussion after opening three bids for snow removal on town property, the board gave the job to Byron Hart, a town employee bidding $15 per storm, provided he can provide proof of insurance and a call to the state Department of Labor confirms that a town employee can also be hired as an independent contractor.
If neither of these conditions are met, the job will go to Perkins Lawn, which bid $30 per shoveling. There was some confusion as to whether the bids were per storm or per shoveling as the request for bids stated that shoveling must be done once 3 inches of snow is on the ground and every accumulation of 3 inches after that.
Brattleboro Development Credit Corp. pitches youth workforce

Kristin Brooks and Jennifer Stromsten discuss what their agency, the Brattleboro Development Credit Corp., does to push workforce growth and development.
Brooks said she has been helping businesses develop internships for students and helping students apply for the internships in Windham County.
Stromsten, the director of programs, said her goals are to keep people here, develop the workforce, and make sure more state and federal dollars land in southern Vermont. She says they are communicating through a combined BDCC and SeVEDS annual report, monthly bulletins distributed in area towns and visits to select boards. SeVEDS will again be asking for $3 per person at Town Meeting. In 2017, Weston had 545 residents.
Downer asked if kids who have been affected by their programs return to Vermont. Stromsten said no one has that data, although she would love to know the answer.
In other business
- Delores Barbeau was re-appointed to be the town’s Health Officer and
- The board approved a request of $1,000 from the Wilder Memorial Library to study a mold problem.
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