Big kids, little kids pose on last day together at GM Elementary pupils set to move back to CAES on Jan. 3
Shawn Cunningham | Dec 21, 2018 | Comments 2
© 2018 Telegraph Publishing LLC

Click the K-12 photo to enlarge. Depending on your screen you may need to move the slider to see the entire image. Photo by Shawn Cunningham
As each class arrived in the gym, elementary school teacher Frank Kelley organized the students into rows and when they were all seated, high school students, faculty and staff came in and stood behind them.
A student band played upbeat holiday songs and a few teachers danced around to amuse the littlest ones while the last stragglers took their places.
Friday was “ugly” Christmas sweater day and the competition was stiff. When the photo was taken, elementary pupils presented their older colleagues with a small gift to thank them for their hospitality.
If all goes as planned, the elementary students will return to their building on Jan. 3.
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About the Author:
Thank you Chester Telegraph for recording this historic event! The students, aged 3 – 18, will never forget the time they spent together. We appreciate you capturing and sharing this incredible moment!
Chester Community Preschool also participated in the photo, so it was pre-k through 12.