CAES Keewaydin fund-raising dinner Feb. 12

POSTPONED – According to CAES teacher Frank Kelley, the Keewaydin fundraising dinner will be postponed until next month due to the impending snowstorm. We will post a new date when it becomes available.

The community is invited to dine at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 S. Main St. in Chester, on from 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 12 to benefit the 5th and 6th Grade classes trip to Keewaydin Environmental Education Center.

On the menu is a spaghetti dinner, cooked and served by staff and parent volunteers.

Wait service will be provided by CAES students.  The trip to Keewaydin is a week-long outdoor learning experience in the spring of 2020.

Cost for the dinner is: Adults $10; senior citizens $8; kids $5, and children 3 and younger can dine for free. To-Go dinners are available by contacting Frank Kelley at 802-875-2108 x6862 or

Filed Under: Education NewsLatest News

About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.

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  1. FKelley says:

    Thanks Chester Telegraph for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing Keewaydin supporters and alumni. Remember, we can put to-go dinners together as well.

    Thank you as well to all of our community sponsors! Lisai’s, Drew’s, Black River Produce, Crows Bakery, and Springfield Coop! You folks make a huge difference!