Michigan authorities arrest man in GM threat

© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC

A 23-year-old Michigan man was arrested yesterday in connection with an online threat made against a Green Mountain High School student and against the school on Monday,  according to Vermont State Police.

GM teachers and students walk to the American Legion after evacuating the school on Thursday. Photo by Shawn Cunningham

Police have said that the threat made on Monday, Feb. 4 was traced to a person “in the midwest” and, according to a VSP, press release issued today, Michigan police arrested Jason Graham, 23, of Three Rivers, Mich., on a parole violation late on Thursday Feb. 7.

Graham was on parole for escaping from a work crew that he was serving on for retail theft and carrying a concealed weapon.

Graham’s computer was seized by investigators, who are now searching it for evidence of the GM threat. Charges have not been filed in the Vermont incident.

Also on Thursday, at about 11:30 a.m. that the school received a call from a man who said he had placed a bomb in a bathroom and that if anyone attempted to evacuate the school, students would be shot.  The school was placed in lock down, police responded, checked the bathrooms and the grounds, then evacuated students, faculty and staff to the American Legion. The Vermont State Police Bomb Squad and explosives detection dogs had checked the school for explosives but none were found.

Last night, Chester Police Chief Rick Cloud told The Telegraph that the incidents were related although the second caller had not said he was the brother of the man who made Monday’s threat as has been reported early in the incident. Police interviewed some “persons of interest” last night and the investigation into the source of this second threat continues today.

Today, police were on hand throughout the school day and met with students to explain the situation and to provide security. According to Principal Lauren Fierman, Vermont State Police told her that, following such an incident, it is standard procedure for police to be on the scene the following day.

In addition to the Chester Police and VSP, police from Barre City, Newport, Rutland City, Springfield and Weathersfield in Vermont, and from Lebanon, N.H., assisted with yesterday’s incident. Game wardens from Vermont Fish & Wildlife and Chester and Springfield fire departments also responded.

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  1. Deb Knight says:

    Why did someone in Michigan make a threat to someone in VT, what was it over and about? Did that person live here before?

  2. Heidi Skinner says:

    Thank you Chester Telegraph for keeping us all informed in a very timely manner.