Derry Select Board to propose traffic ordinance, speed limits on Thompsonburg Road
Bruce Frauman | Feb 11, 2019 | Comments 1
By Bruce Frauman
©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC
With a new safety audit report from VTrans and a recent report from the town’s Traffic Safety Committee, the board met in a special session on Thursday, Feb. 7 specifically to discuss the recommendations in these two reports regarding Thompsonburg Road.
Over the course of an hour and 20 minutes, the board talked about every section of Thompsonburg and Middletown roads. Board chair Jim Ameden said he thought it was important that whatever was decided, “we are in full agreement as a group.” Board member George Mora said that a traffic ordinance is necessary if the board chose to impose speed limits on any of its roads, then other roads could be added incrementally.
Ultimately, the board agreed with member Taylor Prouty that “a traffic ordinance is the first thing we should do.” He recommended taking a step-by-step approach.
Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe will write a draft ordinance that will include speed limits of 30 mph on Thompsonburg Road from the stop sign in South Londonderry to Rowes Road. The speed limit from Rowes to Route 11 will be 40 mph.
Board member Bob Forbes said he has seen increased traffic on Route 100 in South Londonderry in the past 30 years and now it is “probably the time to do something with it.”
Ameden agreed with Mora that once an ordinance is in place, speed limits on other roads can be considered. Once the traffic ordinance is proposed by the board, Ameden said he assumes a public hearing will be necessary. O’Keefe will check with town attorney Bob Fisher.
The board still has to decide which of the many signs recommended by VTrans to install.
The next Select Board meeting is scheduled at 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 18 at the Twitchell Building, 100 Old School St. in S. Londonderry.
Filed Under: Featured • Latest News • Londonderry
About the Author:
I’m delighted the Select Board is taking this step — to apply speed limits on Thompsonburg Road (although I would have liked 35 mph, not 40). Each winter, I find myself calling the rescue squad to announce a car with bald tires has “visited” the brook across from our house. Last year, a car went airborne, took out our mailbox and landed near Cross Road! As we have a blind drive, we often take our lives in our hands just to enter Thompsonburg. Last year, we almost got taken out by a school bus (of all things) and a rather large truck. (Dangerous up here in VT!) Again, thanks for agreeing to do something helpful for us.