Archive for March, 2019

Chester board notes historic moment First time two women have served on select board
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The reorganization meeting after each year’s select board election is seldom exciting unless you find the reappointment of the fence viewers and the weigher of coal to be riveting. But Wednesday night’s edition of the Chester Select Board was the exception. Shortly after the meeting began, board […]

CAES 6th grader, Flood Brook 7th grader to compete in state GeoBee
Max Peebles, a sixth grader at Chester-Andover Elementary, and Jack Citera, a seventh-grader at Flood Brook Elementary, will be competing in National Geographic’s GeoBee Vermont State Competition, the semi-finals of the National Championship. The semifinals will take place on Friday, March 29 at Art Center of Southern Vermont College in Bennington. Students from throughout Vermont […]

Chester Chatter: Date night at the Park Theater
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Once upon a time Chester had a movie theater. It was upstairs in the building where the Moon Dog Cafe was and where Meditrina Wine and Cheese now is. High long stairs led up to the theater, which held about 75 seats. Movies were shown Friday, Saturday and […]

Zest up your Italian macaroons
By Jim Bailey These cookies will look burnt or too brown for you but once you take a bite of these sticky sweet mounds of orange sweetness, you will be going back for more. These are the most flavorful of all orange-based macaroons. You can cook them no more than 5 minutes; less time […]

Cavendish man held in burglary, grand larceny
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Cavendish man was arrested yesterday for a November burglary in that town. John J. Fernandes, 34, was arrested by Vermont State Police in Cavendish late yesterday afternoon and charged with burglary and grand larceny of a home on Rt. 131 in November 2018. According to a VSP press release, […]

Henry Homeyer: Trees, shrubs are vital for pollinators
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I say “pollinator,” you generally think honeybee, bumblebee and wild bee. But what about moth, butterfly, beetle or fly? Many of those are pollinators, too. I recently read an interesting article about pollinators by Dan Jaffe and Jane Roy Brown in the Native Plant News, a magazine […]

Troopers wound, arrest wanted BF suspect
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Early this morning, a Vermont State Police trooper shot and wounded a Bellows Falls man who was the subject of a manhunt last night in Bellows Falls. John-Victor Wetherby – who is a suspect in an aggravated assault committed yesterday Friday, March 8 – was encountered by troopers and Bellows […]

Bellows Falls man wanted for assault today
A Bellows Falls man is wanted in connection with an aggravated assault that took place earlier today, Friday, March 8, in addition to other charges. According to a Vermont State Police press release, John-Victor Wetherby, 33, was identified as a suspect in the assault which took place at about 1 p.m. on Hyde Street in […]

Wantastiquet Rotary offering college scholarships
Wantastiquet Rotary Club is seeking students to apply for scholarships for the coming year. Deadline for making application is April 15. If you are a graduating senior within Jamaica, Londonderry, Peru, Stratton, Weston, Windham or Winhall, please send your completed application to Bob Fish, 243 Sherwood Forest, Londonderry, Vt. 05148 or email to Applications […]

Andover Select Board agenda for March 11
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will on Monday, March 11 following the Board of Abatement meeting, which should end by 7 p.m. It will be held at Town Office, 953 Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act […]

Rolling roadblock on I-91 Friday morning
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC According to a press release from the company handling publicity for the bridge replacement, there will be a rolling roadblock in both directions on the I-91 bridge over the Williams River in Rockingham on Friday March 8. The road block will begin at about 8:30 and continue for 10-15 minutes […]

To the editor: Four GM teams to compete at Jr. Iron Chef on March 16
The Jr. Iron Chef Vermont 2019 competition is approaching quickly. On Saturday March 16, Green Mountain High School will be sending a record four teams to Essex Junction to compete. We will be cooking with 40 to 50 others schools from all over the state. The teams have been working on their recipes since early […]

GM Booster Club hosts comedy basketball game 2500 and 0 Harlem Rockets to take on GM 'Dream Team'
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC On Thursday March 14, the Green Mountain Booster Club will host The Harlem Rockets, a talented group of basketball entertainers who combine incredible basketball skills with family-friendly comedy. The Rockets will face the GM Dream Team at 7 p.m. at the Green Mountain High School, 716 Rt. 103 South in […]

After wrangling, Derry voters approve articles
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Under moderator Doug Friant’s guidance, Town Meeting in Londonderry on Tuesday flew through 15 articles with only a scattering of “nays” and some questions about the ever decreasing State Police presence over and above their regular patrols. But then the meeting encountered lots of turbulence as it considered […]

Weston voters OK paving, dam removal funds
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The 2019 Weston Town Meeting got it just about right. The town business was taken care of quickly and efficiently, there were a couple of opportunities for community celebration and just enough political wrangling to keep everyone’s interest. In the end, all the articles passed and the […]

Cavendish voters OK tax exemption for Fletcher Farm, Black River Health Center
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Every town meeting is different and it can be hard to predict which articles will sail past and which will spark debate. But more often than not, the time spent on one or two articles is out of proportion with the amount they will cost. True to […]

Dakin, Whalen, Gustafson take Chester Select Board seats; road bond issue passes in Chester
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Veteran office holder Leigh Dakin cruised to a write-in victory over political newcomer Scott Blair, co-owner of the Southern Pie Company and the Main Street Coffee & Scoop Shoppe, on Tuesday evening making the composition of the Chester Select Board 40 percent female for the first time. […]

GM School District budget OK’d by 70 votes CAES assistant principal funded in $13 million spending plan
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC The Green Mountain Unified School District budget was approved by the voters of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish and Chester in Australian balloting on Tuesday. The count was 423 to 353 with a margin of victory of 70 votes or 9 percent. The budget gives Chester-Andover Elementary an assistant […]

Chester voters establish emergency reserve fund, pass climate resolution
By Leah M. Cunningham and Cynthia Prairie ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC More than 120 Chester residents turned out on Monday night for Town Meeting, passing 21 articles, including setting up a town reserve fund and a much discussed climate resolution, and tabling one before adjourning the meeting after two and a half hours. Tabled was […]

Derry board delays vote on Traffic Ordinance
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry Select Board chair Jim Ameden said on Monday, March 4 that it would be best to wait until the next board meeting to vote to adopt a new Traffic and Parking Ordinance. The proposal lists every intersection currently posted with a stop sign, with a few exceptions, […]