Volunteers sought for focus groups on healthcare related issues
Press release | Apr 09, 2019 | Comments 3
The Springfield Area Community Collaborative is conducting focus groups regarding health related matters including, unmet health needs, access to services and barriers to care.
Groups will be held in Springfield, Chester, Ludlow, Londonderry and Bellows Falls in Vermont and in Charlestown, N.H., in mid-May, 2019.
The focus groups will include a light dinner, and a $50 stipend will be provided to compensate you for your time and input (limit one per family and/or household).
If you would like to participate in a focus group in the town in which you reside, register your interest online at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D2R9HS7. You may also contact Sandy Peplau at 802-885-7686, or email speplau@springfieldmed.org.
The deadline to register is Wednesday, April 24, and you will be notified by Monday, April 29 if you have been selected to participate.
The information gathered will be used by the members of the Springfield Area Community Collaborative, including Springfield Medical Care Systems, which will use it as part of its needs assessment. The information will also be made available to the public.
Filed Under: Andover • Chester • Latest News • Londonderry
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.
Please know that we ARE planning to do a focus group in Chester, and we ARE committed to serving the healthcare needs of Chester residents.
The question on the survey that asks ZIP codes will allow us to select residents of each of the towns and Chester is one that will host a group.
Re: your second comment, SMCS most definitely respects and appreciates the fact that Chester residents primarily choose SMCS for their care. You will be happy to learn that we have increased 3% of Chester population served over the past year. It is true that they are now being served in other health center locations, but four out of five Chester residents being served within the SMCS system were choosing other sites for their convenience prior to our converting the Chester office to a dental facility… which is also a greatly needed service in our region.
Thank you for your interest.
I went to sign up, and when I saw Chester was not listed, I chose Springfield but put in my Chester ZIP code. I hope the survey writers will fix this issue so Chester can be represented!
I went to surveymonkey site to sign up. Chester is not listed as a town choice. Springfield Medical System must not like us, closed the medical facility and now excluded our town from focus group. Most hospitals are adding primary sites to build referral base. What am I missing?