To the editor: Update, thanks from Sam Lloyd Jr.

Hello friends,

Sam, Weston and Vanessa Lloyd. Photo from Sam Lloyd Jr.’s Go Fund Me Page.

We write today’s update from a welcome period of calm and hope. Weston is 4 months old and doing awesome, Vanessa is a rock and I am home.

Pretty damn tired, but starting a new regimen of targeted therapy drug treatment that bring some optimism after a challenging past six weeks. We wanted to update sooner, but we have been on a bit of a roller coaster. After my initial surgery on Super Bowl weekend, I have been back in the hospital twice. The first time took place after I developed a big lump of fluid on my head near the scar of the first surgery, probably a reaction to an anti-seizure medication (which also gave me a nasty allergic reaction rash that made me look like a drunk Santa Claus with a bad skin condition.)

That required an overnight stay and some draining and re-stitching. Then, as a bonus, I developed a mild case of shingles, a not uncommon side effect of the steroid I was on. Fortunately, that was treated quickly and effectively. Just days later, I returned to the hospital after spiking a fever of 104.5. I was diagnosed with low sodium, another side effect of cancer (who knew?). That required a week’s stay, during which time I also received previously scheduled targeted radiation treatment to my brain tumor. For now, that roller coaster ride seems to have thankfully come to an end.

I am slowly weaning off a number of drugs as I begin the targeted therapy that brings optimism. When it works, it has been shown to be very effective. We will have an idea if it’s working in a couple weeks when I have the next PET scan. For now, we are home keeping mellow and enjoying watching Weston grow each day. If it takes a village to raise a child, our situation really puts that village to the test. The community that has rallied around us is helping to keep us strong. We have not had to cook a meal in weeks, and we have been able to focus on our wonderful son and me getting healthy. Vanessa and I continue to be overwhelmed by the love and support that all of you have shown us from far and wide. There is so much stress and worry that goes along with fighting cancer.

Through all of your generosity an incredible amount of that stress has been lifted. Since my diagnosis, 3,520 people have reached out on the gofundme page.

Vanessa and I thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts. We continue to be inspired and touched by your generosity, and messages of love and support. It is nearly impossible to describe how much your kind words and encouragement mean to us. We are grateful and humbled every day. We could not do it without you.

With Love and Gratitude,

Sam, Vanessa and Weston Lloyd

Filed Under: CommentaryLetters to the Editor

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