Chester services get FIDO Bag for pet rescues; Derry Lions brighten Smith Haven with flowers

From left, Ambulance Service coordinator Danny Cook, EMT Laurie Cloud and Fire Chief Matt Wilson.

Pet rescue equipment donated to Chester Ambulance, Fire

Through the efforts of Laurie Cloud, a Chester Emergency Medical Technician, the Chester Ambulance and Chester Fire services have taken possession of a FIDO Bag, donated by the Fetch Foundation to aid in administering life-saving tools for pets during a rescue situation.

“In cases such as fire or automobile accidents etc, emergency services need special tools on their trucks to save your best four legged friends life just as they do you,” according to Marie Peck, founder of the Fetch Foundation.

The Fetch Foundation is a nonprofit charity whose vision is to have a FIDO Bag on every fire truck in the country.

To contact the Chester Fire and Ambulance Services, call the non-emergency number at 875-2211.

Derry Lions brighten up Smith Haven with flowering baskets

From left, Deb Wade, Carolyn Wright, Joan Dayton and Ada Pearson.

The Londonderry Tri-Mountain Lions Club planted and placed flower baskets in late May for the enjoyment of the residents of Smith Haven in South Londonderry.

Sixteen were hung from lampposts around the community.

The Londonderry Tri-Mountain Lions are members of the  community from all walks of life who share the same commitment to serving their neighbors, the less fortunate and our youth. Lions also concentrate on helping those with sight and hearing impairments by purchasing eyeglasses and hearing aids. The organization also provides vision screenings in local schools.

New members are always welcome. For more information about its next meeting, email or call Pam at 802-384-0033.

Filed Under: Community and Arts LifeIn the Community

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