Archive for September, 2019

Left in Andover: Warp, weft and spinning a life
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC In the late 1960s and 1970s, when I viewed “dropping out” as a viable career option, I wrestled with what version of the Age of Aquarius would be right for me. I toyed with creating my own clothes, the goal being to make myself independent of the exploitation […]

Chester Chatter: A farm wife prepares for winter
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC On the farm, there was always something to be done. Come fall, it was time to button up for the winter ahead. Inside the farmhouse, the kitchen smelled of pickles and other canning of late vegetables, which was going on with the big pressure cooker making its noise. […]

Joyous, tragic, exuberance of WPTC’s ‘Indecent’
By David Lampe-Wilson 2019 © Telegraph Publishing LLC Weston Playhouse finishes its season with Paula Vogel’s Indecent and it is safe to say that they have saved the best for last. Indecent is a gem of a play that encompasses a host of ideas as it challenges its audience to keep up with diverse themes. […]

Henry Homeyer: Don’t fall behind on fall lawn care
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I have to admit that I don’t pay much attention to my lawn. I mow it as needed, but don’t fuss about dandelions, which I consider cheerful. But I realize many gardeners do care about their lawns, so I will share with you a few tips for the […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Oct. 2
The Chester Select Board will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 2 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Approve Minutes from the September 18, 2019 Selectboard Meeting 2. Citizen Comments 3. Old Business 4. VAST Request 5. Waste-Water Inspection Report Discussion 6. Sign Loan Document regarding Palmer Bridge temporary […]

GM board gets meeting law training, looks at overspending, honors Bont
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC At its Sept. 19 meeting, the Green Mountain Unified School District board received training on Vermont’s Open Meeting Law and later took steps to expand the public’s opportunity to comment at meetings – at least temporarily. Sue Ceglowski of the Vermont School Boards Association presented the training, […]

Chester board picks bridge option, sets bond warning, seeks citizens for town manager search
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last Wednesday, the Chester Select Board made decisions on some issues it has talked about for several meetings, including the amount of the bond for the proposed emergency services building and which of five alternatives it would choose for the replacement of bridges along Route 103 north. […]

Local students, adults join Global Climate Strike
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC More than 70 people — from Chester and surrounding areas and from students to retirees — joined Friday’s Global Climate Strike to end the demand for fossil fuels and promote a clean environment to address the climate crisis. The midday protest took place under warm blue skies. The group gathered […]

Chester Police opens door for pre-vote tours
The Chester Police Department is inviting residents to stop in to visit the Police Department facilities at 556 Elm St. in Chester during office hours, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, prior to the bond vote on the Emergency Service Building on Tuesday, Nov. 5. This short tour is being held ahead of […]

Derry board OKs Dufresne for wastewater feasibility study
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Although meeting for less than 25 minutes, the Londonderry Select Board on Monday, Sept. 23 heard a complaint about maintenance of a road, talked about the current state of the road crew and approved a contract for a feasibility study, among other items. Contract OK’d for wastewater feasibility […]

Injured man rescued from Knapp Pond
UPDATE Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2:45 p.m: VSP spokesman Adam Silverman tells The Telegraph that “The Vermont State Police – along with other agencies – responded to a call for an individual in crisis who needed medical assistance. Due to the nature of the call we cannot release any more information.” By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 […]

College aid workshops scheduled throughout area schools
Vermont Student Assistance Corp. will offer free workshops at more than 50 local high schools — 10 of them in Windsor and Windham counties — beginning in late September and running into early November to help families learn how to manage college costs and to fill out financial aid forms. Each year, Vermont families leave […]

GMUSD Finance Committee agenda for Sept. 25
The Finance Committee of the Green Mountain Unified School District will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at Cavendish Elementary School, 573 Main St. in Proctorsville. Below is its agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER: II. ELECT A COMMITTEE CHAIR: III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: IV. EXECUTIVE SESSION: TITLE 1 V.S.A. § 313 […]

Left in Andover: An oasis in our food deserts
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC My father Herbert Leader (1917-1988), self-described “Bennington boy,” recollected driving out to the surrounding countryside as a small child with his father: “Pappa used to take the horse and wagon around the countryside, a rabbi from Slonim looking out for his flock. Sometimes he’d take me along and […]

Chester Chatter: In a stew over two tom turkeys
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC A chicken coop extended from the garage out back of our house. One year, Uncle Kenny decided to raise two tom turkeys. He named them Thanksgiving and Christmas. I liked to sneak into the shed to watch them. I felt sorry for Thanksgiving because he was getting larger […]

Vermont Timber Works destroyed in massive blaze
The above video was gleaned from more than 30 minutes of cellphone camera footage taken by Kelly Burton. By Shawn Cunningham and Kelly Burton © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC An early evening fire that destroyed the Vermont Timber Works factory in North Springfield Saturday was caused by spontaneous combustion of waste materials in […]

Henry Homeyer: 6 trees ready to find roots in your garden
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I recently spent an afternoon walking around the UMass Amherst campus with Mike Dirr, my favorite tree authority and author. I already had several of his books, which I depend on before buying a tree. I purchased his terrific new book entitled, The Tree Book: Superior Selections for […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Sept. 23
The Select Board of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 23 at Town Office, 953 Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from the September 9th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per […]

Grafton Cheese features mural by Chester artist
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Chester artist Amy Mosher has completed a bucolic mural for the Grafton Village Cheese Co.’s viewing room at its facility at 533 Townshend Road in Grafton. The 340-square-foot mural portrays Vermont’s rural landscape complete with the cows and sheep that provide milk to make Grafton’s cave aged cheeses. Mosher had […]

Chester EMS building to go to vote in November
By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC At a special meeting last week, the Chester Select Board set a town vote on bonding for $4.7 million to construct a new building on Pleasant Street to house Chester’s police, ambulance and fire departments. It would also pay for refurbishing and bringing up to code the town […]