Derry board OKs Dufresne for wastewater feasibility study
Bruce Frauman | Sep 24, 2019 | Comments 1
By Bruce Frauman
©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC
Contract OK’d for wastewater feasibility study

Board member Bob Forbes explains the reasoning behind picking a contractor for the feasibility study. All photos by Bruce Frauman.
He said the choice between the top two companies was very close, but the fact that the study would be lead by someone working in Dufresne’s field office in Manchester rather than Montpelier, helped in the decision. Forbes said the choice came down to “style, distance and location.” The board then authorized Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe to work with the consultant to establish “a project scope of services and cost proposal” for the board to approve.
The board also voted to continue membership in the Vermont League of Cities and Towns’ Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund, which provides property and casualty as well as worker’s compensation coverage.
Road maintenance questioned;
new crew, equipment in place

Dennis Pinkernell is concerned about potholes along Under Mountain Road.
Board member George Mora said the whole town has faced similar problems. Board chair and Road Commissioner Jim Ameden said there has been a change in the road crew and other steps have been taken to address the issue.
Ameden said that “the right people are in place and a system is coming into place” to maintain the roads. He said he and the road crew are trying to pick the worst roads and do a good job where they are working, including grading, brush removal and ditch digging. Josh Dryden took over as road foreman on Aug. 19 and Mathew Rawson is now second in command.
In terms of equipment, Ameden said the new mower has arrived but has not yet been installed, the Mac truck will be back next week after repairs, and the new truck is scheduled to be delivered by mid-October. Otherwise the road crew is preparing the equipment for the winter season.
Fox re-appointed deputy health officer, Hazardous Waste Collection Day Oct. 5
The board re-appointed Dr. Roger Fox as Londonderry’s Deputy Health Officer.Labeau said Town Clerk Kelly Pajala approved a request by Magic Mountain Ski area to operate the Sunshine Corner Mid-Mountain Bar on weekends from Sept. 28 through Oct. 13.
Labeau said Hazardous Waste Collection Day is Saturday, Oct. 5 from 9 am to 1 pm at the Flood Brook Union School. Click here for a list of what is and is not acceptable to dispose of.
Looking at the year-to-date budget review, Labeau said that town spending and revenue is pretty much on track for this time of year. The town has spent 19 percent of its budget and “should have spent” 16 percent. The fiscal year now runs from July 1 through June 30.
Filed Under: Featured • Latest News • Londonderry
About the Author:
It has been my observance , that the road crew has been handed a Big case of messy build up !, And difficult for them to catch up ! we have been through several road foreman. It is a really Hard Job and Hard work ! I appreciate that the the road commissioner has asked for a way to to follow , what has and is being done in a given year , Yet I worry that our new town town crew did not realize how far behind they , may be ? Through no fault of their Own ! I believe that they could be privy to the road studies that have been conducted and be able to contact the appropriate channels for the work that is in a back log ! We need Our Road Crew ! we need to inform them and Fund Them ! I am hoping that Our Road commissioner Can and will inform them / while letting them inform him ?