Archive for November, 2019

Obituary: Celia L. Taylor, 74, of Perkinsville
Celia L. Taylor, 74, formerly of Perkinsville passed away on Sunday Nov. 17, 2019 at Cedar Hill Health Care Center in Windsor. She was born March 28, 1945 in Springfield, the daughter of Henry W. and Margaret (Heald) Spaulding. She attended Springfield schools, graduating from Springfield High School and later from River Valley Community College […]

Obituary: Jay C. Golden, 69, of Springfield
Jay C. Golden, 69, passed away on Tuesday evening Nov. 12, 2019 at Mt. Ascutney Hospital in Windsor. He was born March 20, 1950 in Bellows Falls, the son of Cecil H. ”Jack” and Treva (Holden) Golden. He attended Chester schools and, in 1968, graduated from Randolph Technical High School. He served in the United […]

Left in Andover: Taking the wheel, and a ticket home
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Although Dana-san, the boss, had given me permission to work on the potters wheel, no one actually “taught” me. One learned by doing, in this land where questions as such were just not asked. I was assigned my own wooden kick wheel, the concrete base of which was […]

Chester Chatter: The aromas of warmth, love
By Ruthie Douglas 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Thanksgiving Day is almost everyone’s favorite holiday. Perhaps it is because we get together with family and friends over some delicious food. Thanksgiving is not only a feeling in the air, it is the aromas coming from the kitchen, filling the house full of warmth and love. How […]

GMUSD board meeting agenda for Nov. 21, 2019
The Green Mountain Unified School District board will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday Nov. 21, 2019 in the art room at Chester-Andover Elementary School, 72 Main Street in Chester. Below is its agenda: I. CALL TO ORDER: a. Roll Call II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (Additions & Deletions) III. APPROVAL OF […]

Chester Select Board agenda for Nov. 20, 2019
The Chester Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday Nov. 20, 2019 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. in Chester. Below is its agenda: 1. Executive Session; AT&T Contract Negotiation 2. Approve Minutes from the October 16, 2019 Selectboard Meeting; Approve Minutes from the October 24, 2019 Special Selectboard Meeting […]

Henry Homeyer: Pruning, a late fall garden chore
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Fall is here, and winter is not far behind. I’ve seen some snow and scraped frost from my windshield. The sun is slow to get above the hills in the morning and quick to disappear in the afternoon. The sky is often gray and gloomy. These things take […]

UPDATE: Fuel delivery driver killed in Athens crash yesterday
UPDATE: Police have identified the driver of the fuel truck as Adam M. Muchmore, 35 of Walpole, N.H. © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC A Walpole man was killed in the crash of a fuel oil delivery truck that closed a portion of Rt. 35 in Athens for six hours yesterday. Vermont State Police have not […]

Police ask public to ID pickup truck Occupants may be witnesses to Rockingham shooting
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont State Police are asking the public’s help in identifying a silver pickup truck that was in the area at the time of the Nov. 1 shooting of a Boston truck driver on Route 103 in Rockingham. In a press release this afternoon, VSP said that the occupants of the […]

Lumber truck crash closes Rt. 11 in Chester Driver cited: was his 2nd accident in same area in five years
UPDATE – November 12, 9:52 p.m. – Vermont State Police have posted that Route 11 is now open to traffic. By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Around 1 p.m. this afternoon — Tuesday — a tractor trailer carrying lumber slid off the road into a ditch on Route 11 just west of Swett […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for Nov. 18
The Chester Planning Commission will meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 18 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St. Below is its agenda. 1. Review minutes from the November 4, 2019 meeting 2. Citizens Comments 3. Resume review of the Stone Village district 4. Continue reviewing draft boundaries in R6 & R18 districts […]

Obituary: Joan H. Daniels, 88, of Chester
Joan H. Daniels, 88, passed away on Sunday morning, Nov. 10, 2019 at the Jack Byrne Hospice Center in Lebanon, N.H. She was born Aug. 31, 1931 in Middletown, Conn., the daughter of John and Sophie (Wolters) Heidtmann. She attended schools in Connecticut, graduating from Nathan Hale-Ray High School in Moodus, Conn. In September 1949 […]

Chairlift airlift aids Magic installation
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The installation of the Black Line Quad took a giant step forward last week as Magic Mountain in Londonderry got some airlift support, said SkiMagic President Geoff Hatheway. The resort called on FairLifts, a national company that provides a number of helicopter services including aerial cranes. On […]

Chester pub’s scarefest raises funds for 2 charities
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The annual Haunted House scarefest held by MacLaomainn’s Scottish Pub in Chester hit its fundraising goal last weekend for the two charities it supports. According to pub owner Deb Brown, the elaborate event, which takes more than a month to put together and more than 20 volunteers to operate, brought […]

Husband holding surprise party for wife Jil’s 66th
Jil Rushford is having a birthday bash, but she doesn’t know about it yet. The Chester woman, who has had some serious medical difficulties over the past few years, is turning 66. And to celebrate, her husband Kim Rushford is holding a surprise potluck birthday party. Bring a dish to share and enjoy the acoustic […]

Left in Andover: The push to learn in Japan
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The downside of securing an apprenticeship at the Ogami Pottery was that I could no longer freely visit the other workshops in Tachikui village without feeling like a traitor. Wherever I wandered, workers quizzed me as to how the Ogamis did things: What tools and techniques did they […]

Chester Chatter: From trash to treasures
By Ruthie Douglas 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The best thing about Gerald Ford as president was when he allowed for hot lunch workers’ unemployment when school did not open for the summer. It was a great time for my daughter and I to have fun. It was a time when many had taken up the […]

Henry Homeyer: tips for forcing bulbs for indoor blooms
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC It might be nice to take a week in February or March and travel to the Caribbean. By then most of us are tired of snow and cold. But if that is not in your budget, perhaps you need to plant some bulbs in pots for spring forcing. […]

Police press for more clues in Rt. 103 homicide
By Shawn Cunningham and Cynthia Prairie © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC One week after a Boston truck driver was found shot to death in his produce delivery truck on Route 103 in Rockingham, a large contingent of Vermont State Police were out at the scene hoping to jog drivers’ memories to help with the investigation. […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Nov. 11
The Andover Select Board will hold a regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Nov. 11, 2019 at the town office, 953 Weston-Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from the October 28th meeting. 4. Public Comment […]