Archive for December, 2019

TRSU board agenda for Jan. 2, 2020
The Two Rivers Supervisory Union board will hold its monthly meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday Jan. 2, 2020 at the Cavendish Town Elementary School, 573 Main Street, Proctorsville. Below is the board’s agenda. I. CALL TO ORDER: a. Roll Call II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (Additions & Deletions) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. December 05, […]

Obituary: Steven Pencek, 67, of Rockingham
Steven L. “Snooky” Pencek, 67, of Rockingham, passed away on Friday, Dec. 13, 2019 in West Lebanon, N.H. He was born March 17, 1952 in Bellows Falls to Stephen F. and Mildred E. (Alexander) Pencek. He was a graduate of the St. Charles School and later served in the U.S. Army. Mr. Pencek was employed […]

Obituary: Geraldine Thompson, 87, of Perkinsville
Geraldine “Terri” F. Thompson. 87, passed away on Sunday evening Dec. 22, 2019 at her home in Perkinsville. She was born on Jan. 4, 1932 in Hartford, Conn., the daughter of Earl J. and Mildred (Glidden) Cashman. Mrs. Thompson was a mother and homemaker. She volunteered for many years around the Springfield and Ludlow areas, […]

Obituary: Ronald E. Gosselin, 60, of N. Springfield
Ronald E. Gosselin, 60, passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 25, 2019 at North Springfield home. He was born on Oct. 2, 1959 in Springfield to Lawrence “Pepe” Gosselin. He attended Springfield schools. For many years, Mr. Gosselin was a self-employed carpenter for many years. He was also a handyman who could fix anything. He enjoyed […]

Left in Andover: Pottery as a spiritual pursuit
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I divide my 51 years as a potter into several different stages. What started out as a spiritual experience for me at age 17 morphed into a much more mundane, “of this earth-ly world” career. This is Part I of a two-part story. Next week, Part II: On […]

Chester Chatter: Recuperating into the New Year
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC My column will be returning in just a short time as my recuperation continues on course! I look forward to writing for you once again, and thank you for all the good wishes.

Henry Homeyer: Looking back at 2019
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC This past year was, overall, a good one in the garden. It started off cold and wet in early summer, but then turned hot and dry. Most vegetables and perennial flowers did fine for me. I finally splurged and got an Itoh hybrid peony, one called ‘Garden Treasure’ […]

SRDC takes title to Park Street School
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Springfield Regional Development Corp. has announced that it recently took title to the former Park Street School in Springfield from the Springfield School District. Park Street School is the headquarters for the Black River Innovation Campus, which opened earlier this year. Plans for the property include developing additional space for […]

Cookie Tour presents $800 to Family Center
The 2019 Chester Holiday Cookie Tour presented a check for $800 on Friday, Dec. 21, to the Chester-Andover Family Center to help them in their mission of aiding local individuals and families in need. Present for the occasion was organizer Cynthia Prairie, Family Center past President Nena Nanfeldt and several of the nine families who […]

Chester board, Springfield officials talk Transfer Station fees
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Following a question about the cost of the Springfield Transfer Station at its Dec. 4 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard from Springfield officials last Wednesday, Dec. 18. At that early December meeting, Lister and Chester resident Wanda Purdy had questioned the number of Chester residents buying […]

Chester Elementary collects gifts, food for area families
The students and staff of Chester-Andover Elementary School collected gifts and bags of food for Chester and Andover families for the holiday season. Every year, the school sets up a Mitten Tree, where students can pick a mitten with a gift idea for a specific child. This year, children from 25 families will receive those […]

Chester People’s celebrates Ugly Sweater Day; GNAT-TV wins two awards
GNAT-TV wins two Nor’Easter video awards GNAT-TV, based in Manchester, won two third place awards recently at the annual Alliance for Community Media Northeast Nor’Easter Video Awards in Portland, Maine. Elliot Favor, producer and host of “Elliot the Weatherman,” won third place in the Children and Youth Programming category. When asked why he produces his […]

Weston board begins to address state cannabis legislation, regional broadband service
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC State cannabis legislation and its affects on local jurisdictions, regional broadband service and the rising cost of recycling and solid waste disposal were all discussed at the Dec. 17 Weston Select Board. After several board members admitted confusion over a letter describing cannabis regulation legislation now in a […]

Police look for crash driver who bolted
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Vermont State Police are looking for a driver who crashed on Rt. 5 in Rockingham this morning and left the scene. According to a VSP press release, police responded to a car off the road on Route 5, front of the Rodeway Inn in Rockingham just after 7 a.m. on […]

College News
Robert Haseltine of Chester has been named to the Dean’s List at Paul Smith’s College, located in Paul Smiths, N.Y., for the fall 2019 semester. Haseltine, majoring in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, earned a semester average of 3.3 or higher to receive this distinctio Holly Landon of Chester was one of several Elmira College students […]

To the editor: Family Center thanks Andover Snow Riders
Every year, the Andover Snow Riders holds a pancake breakfast to raise funds and collect food for the Chester-Andover Family Center. This event is always well-attended thanks to Nick Baker and his team of snow-rider chefs. This year’s breakfast was delicious and plentiful, raising $480 and collecting 110 pounds of food. The Chester-Andover Family Center […]

Left in Andover: The canopy over his head
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The box containing Dad’s cremated remains sat under the eaves at Popplewood for two whole years before we figured out what to do with them His instructions to “dump me on the compost pile” seemed crude if not illegal. But Dad’s opposition to the funeral industry left few […]

Obituary: Brian Morris, 73, of Chester
Brian J. Morris 73, of Chester, passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2019 in Chester. A full obituary will appear in the very near future, and services will be announced at a later date. Davis Memorial Chapel in Springfield is assisting with arrangements.

Chester Chatter: Happy, restful holidays
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I’ll be taking some time off to take care of a health issue. I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah and holiday season with lots of love and good will.

3 Vt. SMS students to compete in Youth Olympics
Four students at the Stratton Mountain School — three of whom are from Vermont — will represent the United States at the 2020 Youth Olympic Games, taking place between Jan. 9 and 22, 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland. The students and their sport are: Will Koch of Peru, class of 2020, Cross Country Skiing; Nina Seeman […]