Archive for December, 2019

To the editor: Thank you for a great Cookie Tour
The 3rd Annual Chester Holiday Cookie Tour, held Sunday, Dec. 8 in the Stone Village, was a resounding success as more than 100 people toured historic homes, chatted with the hosts and other visitors and tasted homemade cookies. Visitors came from as far away as Texas and Connecticut although most were Springfield and Chester residents […]

To the editor: State updates action on Lowell Lake
Master Planning work is progressing at Lowell Lake State Park in Londonderry with 2019 field work wrapped up, public input survey on design alternatives complete and further analysis under way. The Lowell Lake Master Plan concept design alternatives were presented at an open house in South Londonderry on July 25. A public feedback survey was […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for Dec. 16
The Chester Planning Commission will meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the NewsBank Conference Building, Room #4, 352 Main St. Below is its agenda. Review minutes from the Dec. 2nd 2019 meeting Citizens Comments Review of V4 & R3 District comments Consideration of Riparian Buffer Set future agenda items Set date for the next […]

TRSU superintendent criticizes GM board budget decisions Powden: 'The spirit of collaboration is no longer there'
By Shawn Cunningham ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two Rivers Supervisory Union’s Meg Powden used her superintendent’s report at Thursday’s board meeting to chastise the Green Mountain Unified School District Board of Directors for what she said was its attitude toward a number of administration initiatives. “Indulge me,” said Powden, asking TRSU board members to look […]

Left in Andover: A whipping to end whippings
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Compiling her “Vermont Historical Gazetteer,” Abby Maria Hemenway (1828-1890) enlisted the elders of each Vermont town and city to provide historical material, which she then edited and published from 1861 until her death. The section titled “The Local History of ANDOVER, VT.” (1886) includes a primary source contribution […]

Chester Chatter: J.J. & the milk-run Christmas
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC We are in the Christmas season and I have been recalling Christmas from a time past. One of my favorite memories is from when I worked at the diner, and got to know all the regulars who came by every day. One truck driver we all liked was […]

Henry Homeyer: Are living Christmas trees a good idea?
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I know people who say we shouldn’t be cutting down trees just to brighten our homes for the holidays. Trees are, after all, sequestering carbon and making our environment cleaner, greener, and all that. I disagree and will cut a fresh tree from my neighborhood tree farmer. I […]

To the editor: Holiday Housewarming raises funds fuel assistance
The Chester and Andover Democrats will hold its annual Holiday Housewarming Fuel & Food Fundraiser at Baba a Louis Bakery, 92 Vt. Route 11 west in Chester on Monday, Dec. 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. As always, there will be plenty to eat and drink at this event, which is open to the entire […]

To the editor: Chester brochure needs your help!
In January, the Chester Economic Development Committee will begin putting together the 2020 Chester brochure, advertising local businesses, the 2020 Calendar of Events and the many activities that make Chester a great place to live and work. To do this requires help with selling ads, taking photos, layout, proofing and distribution. We’re asking for volunteers […]

TRSU pushes consolidations in transportation, food service, GM priority programs
By Shawn Cunningham © 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last week, a new committee of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union began discussing a plan to merge the transportation operation of the Green Mountain Unified School District with that of the Ludlow-Mount Holly Unified Union School District under one full-time transportation director as early as next July. […]

Little School, Weston office to work on joint backup generator
By Bruce Frauman ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Little School and the Town of Weston are hoping to work together to purchase and install a power backup system that will keep both the school and the Town Office running during outages. The new director of the Little School came to the Weston Select Board on […]

To the editor: Chester a very special community
It has been 40 years since our car accident. On Nov. 29, 1979, my older sister Lisa. 13, and my younger sister Kathy Jo, 8, and I, 11, were waiting for the school bus across the street from our house. A car came around the curve, slid on black ice, landed on my two sisters […]

Chester DRB agenda for Dec. 9
The Chester Development Review Board will meet at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 9 for a site visit at 26 The Common. At 6 p.m., the DRB will hold its regular meeting, with a change of venue. The meeting will be held in Meeting Room #4 at the NewsBank Conference Center, 352 Main St. Below is […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Dec. 9
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 9 at Town Offices, 953 Andover Road. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from the November 25th meeting. 4. Public Comment (Time allowance: […]

Whiting Library holds info coffee seeking Trustee candidates; Derry residents tapped for drug abuse prevention panel; State launches cannabis ed campaign
You can make an important contribution to your community and Whiting Library by becoming a trustee. The most important qualification is that you love the library and want to help it grow. You are invited to an informational coffee at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 7 in the lower level Community Room of the library, […]

Stone Village on display in Holiday Cookie Tour
© 2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Ringing in the festive holiday season, from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 8, visitors will have the chance to tour eight decorated homes and the Stone Church in Chester’s historic Stone Village, enjoying homemade cookies and good company. Now in its third year, the Chester Holiday Cookie Tour invites […]

Bill Schubart: Incent strangers or invest in Vermonters and newcomers?
By Bill Schubart The Vermont State Auditor’s recent report titled Structural Weaknesses and Questionable Gains by Vermont’s Remote Worker Grant Program not only raises questions about the design and efficacy of the executive and legislative effort to attract telecommuting employees to Vermont but suggests the execution was slapdash. The $500,000 legislative commitment was designed to […]

Left in Andover: A long Thanksgiving walk
By Susan Leader ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Sunday before Thanksgiving, 1975, my dad and I set out for an adventure hitchhiking from Andover to Bennington, then onwards to Albany, N.Y., to visit Cousin Frances who had invited us to stay at her house overnight. The weather was mild for that time of year, and […]

Chester Chatter: A day at the beach
By Ruthie Douglas ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC The phone call came. Jerry’s hearing aids were ready and we needed to go to the V.A. in Manchester, N.H., to pick them up. Sitting in the car at the V.A. Hospital, as Jerry went inside to pick up his package, I spotted a sign that read “Hampton […]

Henry Homeyer: Holiday gifts for the gardener
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC Bad news: I hear you can’t depend on Santa to deliver presents to your favorite gardener this year as he is vastly overworked – and pretty cranky. Last I heard, he is planning on give coal to almost everyone over the age of 8. But here are some […]