N.Y. man charged with DUI after driving up Magic Mtn. slope
The Chester Telegraph | Jan 26, 2020 | Comments 0
He was charged with DUI#2, or driving under the influence for a second time.

A New York man attempted to drive up the Hocus Pocus trail — the Red Arrow — at Magic Mountain on Friday night.
Both VSP and officers from the Winhall Police Department responded to a report of a man attempting to drive a motor vehicle from the parking lot up the ski slopes at Magic Mountain. Arrested was Frederick P. Brechter of Shelter Island, N.Y.
Craig Moulton of Magic’s Black Line Tavern told The Telegraph that they were closed for the night and about to go home when one employee saw the vehicle climbing the hill.
“He got a couple of hundred feet up the terrain park and turned around,” said Moulton who said he had never seen Brechter before.
Troopers say Brechter “displayed indicators of impairment,” according to a press release. Following subsequent Standardized Field Sobriety Tests, he was taken into custody. Brechter is scheduled to appear in Windham County Superior Court on March 17 to answer charges.
According to a representative of Magic Mountain, Brechter was driving a Range Rover as he attempted to go up the ski trail known as Hocus Pocus. The damage amounted to ruts in the terrain, but the resort’s groomer was able to repair it.
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