Archive for January, 2020

Obituary: Stephen Perniciaro, 66, former Chester High student
Stephen Perniciaro of Ware, Mass., died Jan. 16, 2020 at the age of 66 after battling cancer. We wish to thank all the wonderful people at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute who cared for him. Mr. Perniciaro was born on Feb. 22, 1953 in New Britain, Conn., to Antonio and Reah (LaVallee) Perniciaro. His family […]

Two Rivers school districts, admin budgets OK’d In flurry of meetings, boards send proposals for March vote
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last week, in a flurry of meetings, the boards of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union and its two school districts adopted difficult budgets with large increases and some important details still unresolved. Now their task is to convince the voters of Andover, Baltimore, Cavendish, Chester, Ludlow and […]

College News
Jennifer Vaughan of Springfield graduated in the fall of 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Vermont Tech of Randolph Center. The following Vermont Tech students made Dean’s List of Honors for the fall semester of 2019. These are degree students carrying 12 or more letter-graded credit hours who achieve a GPA of […]

Derry budget holds slight tax hike; cannabis article at Town Meeting
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Londonderry Select Board on Monday, Jan. 20, passed a budget for fiscal year 2020/21 that will result in an expected total municipal tax rate of $0.40385 that includes the building reserve fund and all appropriations. This will result in about a $25 hike in taxes for a […]

Vermont offering free radon testing kits
Radon is a colorless and odorless gas that can invade your home. But you won’t know if this naturally occurring, radioactive gas is present at unsafe levels in your home – unless you test for it. That’s why the Health Department is making it easy for Vermonters to find out if their homes have high […]

Chester DRB agenda for Jan. 27, 2020
The Development Review Board of the Town of Chester will meet at 4 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27 for a site visit at 130 Pleasant St., the location of the new Emergency Services Building. At 6 p.m. at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., it will hold its public hearing. Below is its agenda. 1) Review […]

Take a run: Offices open in local governments Petitions to be on the ballot are due Jan. 27
Vermont’s towns are run by community minded folks who step up and serve in local government positions – from town clerks and select board members to Library Trustees, Listers, Constables and more. This is the time of year that residents can take out a petition to get on the ballot for Town Meeting Day elections. […]

Londonderry public meeting to focus on concerns in water supply, wastewater conditions
The Town of Londonderry will be holding the first of three public meetings to discuss concerns regarding water supply and/or wastewater disposal within the North and South Villages. This initial meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 27 at the Town Office-Twitchell Building, 100 Old School St. in S. Londonderry. Londonderry has […]

Weston board discusses future of fiber optic, cannabis marketplace
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board, minus the absent Ann Fuji’i, on Tuesday, Jan. 14 engaged in extended discussions regarding financial issues over legislation in Montpelier, the fire department and a generator to serve both the Town Office and the Little School building next door. State Rep. Kelly Pajala called […]

Rep. Pajala: Revamped Paid Family Leave flawed
By Rep. Kelly Pajala Two weeks in and the legislative session’s fever pitch is rising. With campaigning for re-election on everyone’s mind, political optics are fueling the fires as the Paid Family Leave and Minimum Wage bills are heading back to the Vermont State House floor. Although Week 1 was filled with speeches calling for […]

Obituary: Frederick Ramen Jr., 86, of Chester
Frederick C. Ramen Jr., 86, of Chester, passed away on the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020 at the Jack Byrne Center in Lebanon, N.H., surrounded by his family. He was born Aug. 30, 1933 in Queens, N.Y., the son of Frederick Sr. and Catherine (Beckert) Ramen. Mr. Ramen held master’s degrees from New York […]

Left in Andover: Keys to the past, and the future
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last summer, relatives who were about to purchase Popplewood requested I play the role of “inspector” during the final walk-through of the premises before the sale was finalized. Never having bought or sold a house myself, I had to ask for clarification as to the nature of my […]

Chester Chatter: Fill the garden, fill the pantry
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the seed catalogs arrive, my mother-in-law and I would start to plan the vegetable garden. The kitchen table would be filled with our open catalogs. Selecting our seeds was a three-day project. Our vegetable garden was large and awarded us just about everything we would need to […]

Londonderry Select Board agenda for Jan. 20
The Select Board of Londonderry will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 20 at 100 Old School St. in South Londonderry. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda 3. Minutes Approval – Meeting of Jan. 6, 2020 4. Selectboard Pay Orders 5. Announcements/Correspondence 6. Visitors and […]

Athens man arrested in Londonderry burglary, auto theft
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC An Athens man was arrested Saturday in connection with burglaries, auto theft and several other charges including attempting to elude police starting in Londonderry and ending in Brattleboro. According to a Vermont State Police press release, Jason Moul, 38, entered a home on Rt. 11 in Londonderry around 3 p.m. […]

Henry Homeyer: A gardener’s cookbook
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC I can’t wait till spring. Don’t get me wrong: I love winter. But I look forward to trying a recipe I just found for pea, leek and sorrel soup while reading Deborah Madison’s fabulous cookbook: Vegetable Literacy (10-Speed Press, 2013, $40). And sorrel, a leafy perennial, is one of […]

TRSU postpones budget while districts continue work on theirs
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC While the surprise resignation of Superintendent Meg Powden took center stage at Monday’s meeting of the Two Rivers Supervisory Union, the work of finalizing the SU’s budget went on. At its meeting of Jan. 2, the board had rejected a 9.54 percent increase and asked the administration […]

Chester board nears final budget version
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Last Wednesday, the Chester Select Board took its next-to-last look at its 2020 budget with the goal of limiting an increase in the tax rate. At the time of the meeting it appeared that that the budget was $241,565 greater than last year — equivalent to 6 […]

Vermont Academy offers merit scholarships to local students
Dr. Jennifer Zaccara, Vermont Academy’s Head of School, has announced a new merit scholarship program for students who live in Vermont. The Vermont Scholars Program’s goal is to increase the number of Vermont students who attend the elite private school located in Saxtons River. Zaccara says that Dorothy Hall Leavitt, the wife of one of […]

State experts urge action on emerald ash borer beetle
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The primary take-away for individuals attending a community forum about the emerald ash borer beetle is not to move wood during the bug’s “flight season,” which in Vermont is from June 1 to Sept. 30. For communities, the lesson is that the longer one waits to act, the […]