College News

The University of Hartford in West Hartford, Conn., announces that the following students have been named to the Dean’s List for fall 2019.

  • Adam Culver of Grafton
  • Samantha Metcalf of Springfield

Maya Lewis of Chester has been named to the University of Rhode Island Dean’s List for the fall 2019 semester.  To be included on the Dean’s List of the Kingston, R.I., university, students must have completed 12 or more credits during a semester for letter grades with at least a 3.30 quality point average. Part-time students qualify with the accumulation of 12 credits with a 3.30 quality point average.

Paige Kelley of Ludlow has been named to the fall 2019 Dean’s List of the College of Charleston in Charleston, S.C.  To quality for Dean’s List (Distinguished), students must earn a GPA of 3.600 or higher and complete a minimum of 14 semester hours.

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