New ways to do business with Town of Londonderry, Transfer Station & Library
The Chester Telegraph | Mar 28, 2020 | Comments 0
Doing business with the town
If you need assistance from the Town Office, 100 Old School Road, please call 802-824-3356.You can order any of the following by mail or by filling out the order form and enclosing a check to drop in the back-door slot or mail.
- Transfer Station Punch Cards
- Transfer Station Permits
You may pay for the punch cards and permits with credit cards or echecks by clicking here. Or click here for the mail-in order form.
The cost of the Transfer Station Punch Cards are $10 for five punches/ $20 for 10 punches; the Transfer Station Yearly Permits are $10 each. The punch cards and annual stickers will apply to the towns of Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru, Weston and Windham as well.
Dog licenses, which are for Londonderry residents only, cost $9 for a pet that is spayed or neutered and $13 for a pet that is intact. You must have a current rabies certificate. (Call if you are not sure) To pay by credit cards or echecks, click here. Or click here for the mail-in order form.
To obtain copies of vital records such as birth, marriage and death certificates, call 802-824-3356.
For copies of your tax bill, email
And for answers to your zoning questions, email
Changes at Transfer Station
The Londonderry Transfer Station, 7060 Route 100, announced that for the health and safety of its employees, it will only accept trash, mandated recyclables and food scraps, will no longer accept bottles and cans for redemption and has closed its Take it or Leave it Shed.The Londonderry Redemption Center on Route 11 across from the Congregation Church also is no longer accepting bottles or cans. The Transfer Station urges you to recycle your redeemables in the appropriate bins at the Transfer Station.
The Transfer Station will continue to be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
S. Londonderry Library implements curbside service
The South Londonderry Free Library, 15 Old School Road, is closed to visitors indefinitely, but is instituting curbside service. To request a book or movie, call 824-3371 or email
South Londonderry Free Library. Photo by the library.
Someone will be at the library from noon to 2 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays to fill your order and leave it outside for pickup.
You can still access Wi-Fi at the library from its parking lot. Go to Netgear 55 and use the password: mightylightning876
Filed Under: Covid 19 Coverage • Latest News • Local announcements • Londonderry
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