Final hearing on Chester Town Plan; Select Board agenda for April 15
The Chester Telegraph | Apr 10, 2020 | Comments 3
The Chester Select Board will hold its final public hearing on the Town Plan beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15. It will be followed by the Select Board’s regular meeting. Both will be held via Zoom. To access by phone, call (646) 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID 932 138 291. Online: Meeting ID: 932 138 291 or
Below are the agendas:
Town Plan Public Hearing
1. Chester Town Plan Final Public Hearing
2. Adjourn
Special Select Board meeting
1. Approve Minutes from the April 1, 2020 Selectboard Meeting
2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting
3. Old Business/Last Meeting
4. Chester Development Fund, Potential Uses: Bob Flint, SRDC
5. Covid-19 Update
6. Adopt Town Plan
7. Solar Farm Discussion
8. New Business/Next Agenda
9. Adjourn
Filed Under: Chester Select Board Agenda • Latest News
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Oops, I hit send too soon, before clarifying that the Energy Chapter is the only significant rewrite. This work was done in order to comply with the state’s guidelines for allowing our town to be provided additional input in cases where the PSB is processing an application for any larger energy production facilities within the town. The Energy chapter was rewritten with significant input from the Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission.
I’m certain that this discussion of adoption is NOT for a new Town Plan; it simply the formal adoption of changes to the language contained within a few chapters of the existing Town Plan.
Here’s a c/p from the Planning Commission page on the Town Website:
Four chapters of the Chester Town Plan are being amended to meet a variety of requirements from the Town of Chester and the State of Vermont. The amendments are working their way through the adoption process. As of May, 2019 they are being reviewed one chapter at a time during Select Board meetings. The chapters being amended include:
Chapter 3, Utilities and Facilities has bee updated to include more current information about many of town services and facilities.
Chapter 5, Education, has been updated to include more current information about enrollments and Act 248 compliance
Chapter 6, Energy has been completely re-written to address the state requirements for an energy plan.
Chapter 10, Economic Development has had information about the Village Center designation added.
I understand the need for Zoom select board meeting to carry on the town’s business during these trying times. I fail to see the critical need to have a town public meeting and town plan adoption by electronic means. I would think the public meeting could be delayed until such time as we can gather again. We have a town plan and I am not aware of an urgency to get a new one in place. I admit I may not be in the know about all things Chester, just expressing thoughts.