Archive for April, 2020

Survey: Vermont 4th hardest hit by pandemic effect on tourism
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont has been ranked fourth in the states hardest hit by the effects of Covid-19 on tourism, according to personal finance website Wallethub. Looking at a number of factors having to do with a state’s dependence on tourism as an economic driver, the website came up with a 100-point scale […]

Nursing scholarship applications now open
Applications are now being accepted for the 15th Annual Eileen Austin Neal Nursing Scholarship of $1,000. This scholarship is open to any student who has been accepted into a nursing program of study. Applicants will be judged on interest in and commitment to the field of nursing. Determination will be based on merit and need. […]

During Covid-19 crisis, market-delis struggle with changing consumer demands
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing While grocery stores such as the Londonderry Village Market and Lisai’s Chester Market continue to do steady business during the Covid-19 stay home orders, many of the smaller markets that offer not only specialty foods but meals as well have seen their sales take a dive as they work […]

Commentary: How to help a domestic abuse survivor during the Covid-19 crisis
By the Women’s Freedom Center If you’ve been out to run essential errands, you’ve already felt the eerie absence of almost everyone else. Grocery stores, drugstores and drive-up restaurants provide not just necessities now, but also our few remaining live contacts outside the home. They’re a welcome sight to anyone, but imagine how vital they […]

Left in Andover: The short, dynamic life of Frieda
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In 1907, my darkly handsome grandfather Isaac sought shelter from conscription officers of the czar’s army at the home of an acquaintance in the shtetl of Zelva, Poland. He emerged from hiding shortly thereafter, dowry and eldest daughter of the household in hand, destination: America. The enterprising Frieda […]

Chester Chatter: Days of duckpin bowling, skating
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC With school out for the summer, my sister and I were not often bored. There was much we could do. The Community House across from the Post Office in downtown Springfield offered lots to do. They held a record hop on many Friday nights. There was duckpin bowling. […]

Henry Homeyer: Inch by inch, row by row, let’s make these veggies grow
By Henry Homeyer ©2019 Telegraph Publishing LLC In uncertain times, one thing is certain: you can always depend on yourself. If you’re worried about having enough food, grow some vegetables that are nearly foolproof. Gardening is not rocket science. Here’s what you need to know: All vegetables do best in full sun. The minimum amount […]

Tully tapped to fill Windham-3 House seat
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC This morning Gov. Phil Scott announced that he was appointing Kelley Tully to fill the Windham-3 house district vacated by former Rep. Matthew Trieber. The Rockingham Democrat resigned in February. Scott said Tully’s experience as a nurse and a businesswoman would “be of great value as my team and I […]

Scott extends ‘stay home’ order, hints at opening businesses
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Saying that Vermonters are saving lives by staying home, Gov. Phil Scott announced Friday that he is extending to May 15 the state of emergency including the Stay Home Stay Safe order in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. “I know how disappointing this to many,” said Scott, […]

No Covid-19 in water: Chester among 690 Vermont systems ordered to chlorinate water State director says mandate aids vulnerable population
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Under state orders, Chester has begun adding chlorine to its town water supply, something that it had previously only done as a precaution after a water main break or when bacteria is detected during routine weekly testing. The state mandate, Bryan Redmond, director of the Drinking Water […]

Weekly gardeners support group launches
Beginning at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 16, the Mountain Valley Climate Action 350VT will host a weekly gardener’s support group via Zoom, the video conferencing program. The Thursday meetings will include a brief talk, presentation or demonstration on the topic of backyard gardening with plenty of time for questions and answers. It offers an […]

Final hearing on Chester Town Plan; Select Board agenda for April 15
The Chester Select Board will hold its final public hearing on the Town Plan beginning at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15. It will be followed by the Select Board’s regular meeting. Both will be held via Zoom. To access by phone, call (646) 558 8656 and enter the Meeting ID 932 138 291. Online: […]

Telegraph Pandemic Digest for April 10
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Feds OK Vermont request for disaster funds President Donald Trump has approved Gov. Phil Scott’s request for federal disaster funds to assist the state of Vermont in its response to the Covid-19 pandemic. The funds can reimburse up to 75 percent of the costs incurred by the state and towns […]

Andover Select Board agenda for April 13
The Select Board for the town of Andover will old its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 13 by Zoom. To join the meeting online: Meeting ID: 591-698-258. Below is its agenda. 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: Act on minutes from the […]

Funding at heart of startup Ludlow private school
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC A new private, independent high school in Ludlow will be pushing hard to raise the funding it needs to open in the coming school year, according to its board chair Sean Williams. The task is made doubly difficult by the effect of a global pandemic on the […]

Bondville man charged for cocaine sales in Londonderry
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Tuesday, Vermont State Police arrested a Bondville man on charges that he sold cocaine in the Londonderry area. According to a VSP press release, Nathan Clark, 31, was arrested by the Southern Vermont Drug Task force as a result of an investigation into the sale of illicit drugs in […]

‘First’ extension of stay at home to be announced Friday
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC Gov. Phil Scott announced Wednesday that on Friday he will announce the “first extension” of his stay-at-home orders that have closed shops, restaurants and schools and kept many people at home. During his Wednesday press conference, Scott also said that the administration would also provide an update on […]

Chester DRB agenda for April 13, 2020
The Chester Development Review Board will meet for two site visits beginning at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 13 prior to its Zoom meeting at 6 p.m. Below is its agenda. 5 p.m. Site Visit 1482 Quarry Road 5:25 p.m. Site Visit 220 S. Main St To join the DRB meeting by Zoom, call (646) […]

Telegraph Pandemic Digest: Tuesday, April 7
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Between press conferences, daily updates, press releases and other advisories, covering the Covid-19 pandemic can be daunting for a small staff. To keep you informed without going down a rabbit hole with every story, we’ll offer you a news digest of information that doesn’t make it into regular news articles. […]

Health Dept. rolls out new Covid-19 dashboard More detailed demographic information available
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont’s Department of Health today rolled out a new Covid-19 activity dashboard that gives the public much more detailed information than has been available to date. There are still totals of tests, infections, hospitalizations and deaths and there’s still a map, but now a visitor to the […]