Whiting Library advocates for Green Up Day
Press release | May 25, 2020 | Comments 1

Come by the front yard of the Whiting Library at 117 Main St. in Chester between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to get your official Green Up bag for litter collection.
Raffle tickets for fun prizes will be available for purchase, and you can pick up free wildflower seeds to plant at home. Kids will enjoy an environmentally inspired windsock craft project to take and make later. This is a chance to meet the new library Director Deirdre Doran, who is excited to connect with members of the community, albeit from a safe distance. Participants are encouraged to practice good safety during this event: wear masks, keep 6 feet apart and bring hand sanitizer or gloves.
If you are not already a library patron, you can sign up for a library card. You can also pick up previously reserved library materials. The library building is still closed to the public, but all materials are available for loan. Interlibrary loan throughout Vermont has also started up again, so feel free to request materials that you can’t find in the library catalog. For more information about front porch pick up at the library, visit the library website.
Filed Under: Community • Community and Arts Life • Covid 19 Coverage • In the Community • Local announcements
About the Author: This item was edited from one or more press releases submitted to The Chester Telegraph.
If I could virtually share this news, I would add that you all stop by the plant sale at
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church on Main Street. Here is our virtual link:
Lew Watters