Chester Select Board agenda for July 15

The Chester Select Board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, July 15 at Town Hall, 556 Elm St., and via Zoom. In-person attendance is limited to 25 people, so please consider if your physical attendance is needed or if you can participate via Zoom. To access Zoom Meeting ID: 829 4001 5210  or

Below is the board’s agenda.

1. Approve Minutes from the July 1, 2020 Selectboard Meeting

2. Citizen Comments/Answers from Previous Meeting

3. Old Business/Last Meeting

4. Financial Review

5. Balance Sheet Discussion; Ron Smith

6. Reserve Fund Policy; Ron Smith

7. Entertainment Permit; P&Js Country Kitchen

8. Liquor License; Fullerton Inn

9. Sign Loan Documents: Backhoe Loan; Paving Loan; Dump Truck Loan

10. New Business/Next Agenda

11. Adjourn

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