College News

Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., has named the following students to its spring 2020 Dean’s List:

Hannah Sheere of Chester

Allison Kenney of Chester and

Nora Bright of Athens.

Full-time students who complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher are placed on the Dean’s List that semester.

Neil Thorley of Londonderry was named to the dean’s list at Bates College, located in Lewiston, Maine, for the fall semester ending in December 2019. This is a distinction earned by students whose cumulative grade point average is 3.8 or higher. Thorley, the child of Noel R. Thorley and Sonja D. Thorley of Londonderry, is a 2019 graduate of Phillips Academy. They are a first-year majoring in politics at Bates.

Mathew Larosiliere of Springfield has earned 2020 Dean’s List honors at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisc. Larosiliere is a member of the Class of 2021. To make the annual Dean’s List, a student must have earned at least 36 units in Lawrence courses during the academic year and have earned a GPA of at least 3.5.

Kaya Mulligan of South Londonderry, who is majoring in Social Work, was named to the Burlington’s Champlain College Trustees’ List for the spring 2020 semester. Students on the Trustees’ List have achieved a 4.0 grade point average for two or more consecutive semesters.

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