Archive for August, 2020

Mail-in ballots during primary provide test-run for November General Election Landgrove claims top voter turnout in VT
By Cherise Forbes and Shawn Cunningham Voting looked more than a little different from past elections in many towns during Vermont’s Primary Election on Tuesday, Aug. 11, due to added precautions and new polling configurations in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, turnout kept pace with past years — even topping those in some communities […]

Weston board talks Little School work, fiber optic, shared health officer
By Cherise Forbes © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Despite a busy day at the polls, the Weston Select Board began to explore the potential for fiber optic internet in the town and discussed the viability of a shared regional health officer, alongside continued discussion about the Little School grounds and a generator to be shared […]

Schools hone opening plans as state adds to, changes guidance Next TRSU public forum to be held Thursday night on Zoom
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the clock ticks down to a Tuesday, Sept. 8 start date for Vermont schools, those in the Two Rivers Supervisory Union continue to work out the details of a plan to offer a hybrid approach to education this fall. But on Tuesday, Vermont Secretary of Education […]

Cavendish Fund awards three grants; Springfield Rotary cancels Penny Sale
Cavendish Fund awards three grants Dou McBride, president of the Cavendish Community Fund, has announced that the fund awarded three $1,000 grants this summer to local organizations for community-based projects. The first award was to fund the summer music series on Proctorsville’s Svec Memorial Green. Each year the town engages several local bands to entertain […]

College News
The following students have been named to the dean’s list at Bates College for the winter semester ending in April 2020. This is a distinction earned by students whose cumulative grade point average is 3.8 or higher. Pippin Evarts of Landgrove. Evarts, the child of Jeremiah M. Evarts and Kara C. Evarts of Londonderry, is […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for Aug. 17
The Chester Planning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 17 at the Gazebo at the Pinnacle on Lovers Lane Road. Attendees are instructed to bring their own seating. Face masks are also required. Below is its agenda. Review Aug. 3, 2020 minutes Citizen comments Discuss Stone Village District page as distributed. Discuss […]

Howard ‘Bud’ Ingalls, 84, of Springfield
Howard F. “Bud” Ingalls, 84, a resident of North Springfield, passed away on Saturday, Aug. 8, 2020, at the Springfield Health & Rehab in Springfield. He was born March 23, 1936, in Hartford, Conn., the son of Floyd and Marjorie (Sturtevant) Ingalls. He was a graduate of Chester High School. Mr. Ingalls was employed at […]

Chester board OKs funding for marketing efforts, looks at speed limits
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In introducing a marketing effort for Chester to the Select Board on Wednesday, Aug. 5, Bob Flint, executive director of the Springfield Regional Development Corporation, said it started with a call from Town Manager Julie Hance to see if there were opportunities the town should look into […]

Derry offers drive through voting option, Fire Co. signs up for state mask program
By Bruce Frauman © 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC Emergency Management Director Kevin Beattie told the Londonderry Select Board at its Monday, Aug. 3 meeting that Champion #5 Fire Company in South Londonderry has signed up for the state program Operation Cloth Face-Covering for Everyone, which should make available 400 masks locally. Board member Tom Cavanagh […]

Left in Andover: Local newspapers, social trust
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Mrs. Frieda Bergman is spending some time at the Herbert Leader home” in Andover. The deep winter time frame for my maternal grandmother’s visit was possible because she had taken a job teaching in a nearby one room school. “Seven little friends,” continued correspondent Estelle Bentley’s March 1952 […]

Chester Chatter: Wash day, the longest day
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Homemakers of the 1950s were apt to keep a routine for their household chores. Monday meant wash day. The wringer washing machine was kept in the unheated back room, so come Saturday night Dad wheeled the machine into the house to warm up. As we kids got ready […]

William Rawson, 77, of Londonderry
William Rawson, 77, of Londonderry, sadly and unexpectedly passed away on June 17, 2020 in Congress, Arizona, where he and his wife Barb have lived for the last few years. Bill was born July 19, 1942 to Faye and Marion Rawson of South Londonderry. He worked for many years in Londonderry and surrounding areas for […]

Henry Homeyer: tomatoes, your garden’s royal family
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC If I could only bring the seeds of one plant with me when exiled to a distant island, I would bring tomato seeds. Tomatoes are the center of much of my cuisine from soups and stews to sandwiches and salads. They are tasty raw or cooked, are healthy […]

College News
Roger Williams University in Bristol, R.I., has named the following students to its spring 2020 Dean’s List: Hannah Sheere of Chester Allison Kenney of Chester and Nora Bright of Athens. Full-time students who complete 12 or more credits per semester and earn a GPA of 3.4 or higher are placed on the Dean’s List that […]

Weston Board OKs homestead rate of $2.1879
By Bruce Frauman ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board on Tuesday, July 28 voted to approve a homestead tax rate of $2.1879 per $100 of assessed property value and $2.2135 for non-homestead property. To arrive at that rate, Town Treasurer Kim Seymour removed the $250,000 spending item to replace a culvert on Trout […]

Obituary: Oakley Patenaude, 89, of Chester
Oakley F. “Oakie” Patenaude, 89, passed away at his Chester home on Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020. He was born in Castleton on July 27, 1931, the son of Frank O. and Dorothy (LaMore) Patenaude. Mr. Patenaude attended a one-room schoolhouse through 8th grade and graduated from Fair Haven High School in 1949. He joined his […]

New bench in Chester memorializes Suzy Forlie
© 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Visitors to the Hearse House and the Public Tomb across from Chester’s Green will notice the addition of a granite bench with the inscription “In Memory of Suzy Henry Forlie.” Forlie, who died on April 16, 2020, was a member of Chester Townscape and was instrumental in the repair and […]

To the editor: Global Warming Act fails in flexibility
Well, Isaias is upon us here in Vermont, and the forecast for this afternoon is for wind gusts as high as 50 miles per hour. We’re told there may be isolated power outages. That’s a frequent occurrence in our rural communities — thunderstorms in the summer, and snow and ice storms in the winter. Just […]

State expands biz recovery grants to some owners; hazard pay grants now available
Gov. Phil Scott and agencies in Vermont announced two new programs today to help small business owners as well as front-line workers who have been financially impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Scott, the Agency of Commerce and Community Development and the Department of Taxes have expanded the eligibility for Economic Recovery Grants for Vermont businesses. […]

Andover Select Board agenda for Aug. 10
The Select Board for the town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 10 at Andover Town Office, 953 Andover Road. Proper social distancing will be practiced. Or you can join by Zoom: To join the meeting by Zoom click here ; Meeting ID: 869 021 5007 or dial: 1-929-436-2866 Below is […]