Archive for September, 2020

Chester board OKs Act 250 appeal, orders dog in attack muzzled
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC In two special meetings last week, the Chester Select Board discussed the Act 250 District Commission’s rejection of the town’s application to extract gravel on the site it bought for a new water tank and took evidence in a hearing about a dog named Edgar that neighbors […]

As autumn descends, eateries cautious, optimistic
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Vermont’s fall foliage season typically rakes in revenue totaling $280 million throughout the month of October, according to the Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing, and leaf peepers have already begun to descend on the Green Mountains as they burst into a blaze of color. While the foliage […]

Casting your ballot: A guide to voting procedures
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Voting in this pandemic year will not be like any vote we have ever cast and Secretary of State Jim Condos is suggesting that everyone have a voting plan. One suggestion is to vote by Saturday, Oct. 24 — “to reduce contact at polling places and to […]

Statewide disc golf tournament draws players to Chester
By Cynthia Prairie ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Stone Village Shootout disc golf tournament this past weekend at the Pinnacle in Chester attracted 50 players from Vermont and New Hampshire and marked the four-year-old course’s inaugural run in the disc golf tournament world. The Chester course was the No. 9 stop in the 2020, 11-course […]

Westonite to walk to honor grandson during Marathon; NC to expand Flood Brook services
Weston resident to join Jimmy Walk for 3rd year to honor grandson On Sunday, Oct. 4, Weston resident Carol MacLaury will once again lace up her walking shoes to participate in the 2020 Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk: Your Way. For the third year she is fundraising and reaching out in honor of her 13-year-old […]

To the editor: On Nov. 3, vote for new blood in Montpelier
As we enter another general election season, I encourage my fellow Vermonters to take a hard look at the local and statewide issues that affect our daily lives. In 2015, the education bill called Act 46 was passed with grand promises of efficiency, opportunity and importantly, a decrease in our property taxes. But just the […]

To the editor: Local Climate Action 350VT, other groups to rally in Chester for justice issues
Climate Justice, Racial Justice, Migrant Justice, LGBTQ+ Justice, VOTE! Economy, Society and Environment are the pillars of sustainability. To achieve sustainability, economic and social inequalities that exist within our country and globally must be addressed. A peaceful demonstration is planned to bring attention to the inequities and encourage people to vote in the upcoming election. […]

To the editor: Global Warming bill extreme, harmful to Vermont
Vermont produces .1 percent of the country’s emissions If you don’t know about the Global Warming Solutions bill, it is the most extreme and harmful bill ever passed in Vermont. The goal of the bill is to reduce carbon emissions by 80 percent while requiring 90 percent of Vermont’s energy to be from renewables. To […]

To the editor: Whalen drops race for state rep
It has become clear to me that I can’t be elected to serve as representative for our district of Cavendish and Weathersfield. I wish I could take my name off the ballot, but want to urge folks not to vote for me. This election means a lot to us, doesn’t it? We want every vote […]

To the editor: Candidates must commit to full health, economic recovery from Covid-19
Since March 2020, more than 200,000 people in the United States have died from the Covid-19 pandemic, millions have become unemployed, climate-fueled disasters have destroyed lives and racial injustice has continued to compound the impacts of these crises on Black, Indigenous, communities of color, the elderly, and working people. Our government has failed to respond […]

To the editor: Family Center generates $7,000 with successful virtual raffle
We did it! Our first ever virtual raffle was a success. We raised over $7,000 for our “generator” fund. The Chester-Andover Family Center is grateful to Linda and Tom Diak and DyakCraft for their generous donation of the $700 knitting tools prize. We thank them for donating this special prize, their on-going support for the […]

TRSU Board of Directors agenda for Oct. 1
The Board of Directors of the Two River Supervisory Union will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 1 via Zoom and at the Professional Development Room at Ludlow Elementary School, 45 Main St. in Ludow. To access via Zoom:| Phone: 646-876-9923 Below is its agenda I. CALL TO ORDER: a. Roll […]

Left in Andover: A woodland Rosh Hashanah
By Susan Leader ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC On Nov. 6, 1950, shortly after closing on Popplewood Farm in Andover, Mom wrote Grandma: “We were in Rutland on Sunday night with the express purpose of meeting the Jewish community. We went to the Jewish Community Center and Modern Orthodox Synagogue housed together in one beautiful building. […]

Chester Chatter: Perfect fall day for a flea market
By Ruthie Douglas ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Saturday was a near-perfect fall day to spread your wings and breathe in some fresh air. The American Legion Post 67 utilized for the first time its new property across from their home in Chester. It became a flea market and craft fair. You should have seen it. […]

Henry Homeyer: plant now, blossom later
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Now is the time to buy your bulbs for spring blossoms. Winters in New England are long, cold and snowy, so by March I’m ready for spring. Most years I have bulb flowers pushing their way up through mushy snow and fallen leaves in early March, delighting me […]

K-12 Covid numbers remain low as child-care hubs continue to expand
©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC With continuing low Vermont Covid-19 numbers — and with just one new positive case in K-12 schools this week — Vermont schools have been approved to go from a Step II to Step III in health guidance as of Saturday, Sept. 26. Meanwhile, the statewide child-care hub initiative continues to grow, […]

Weston board grills Brattleboro Dev. Corp. on lack of internet push, local jobs programs
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Economic development — particularly in the context of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic — dominated discussion at the Sept. 22 meeting of the Weston Select Board, which found some friction between its own development priorities and those established by the Brattleboro Development Credit Corp. BDCC Director of Programs Jen […]

How VTel’s phone/internet outage happened
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Multiple equipment failures brought to a standstill VTel phone and internet service to Chester, Andover, Grafton and Windham — first on Thursday, then on Friday and into Saturday of last week, prompting questions about access to public safety agencies and how to make that more robust. According […]

Hance tells board Public Safety building is on schedule
By Shawn Cunningham © 2020 Telegraph Publishing, LLC While it may appear to a passerby on Pleasant Street, that construction of Chester’s Public Safety Building has stalled, according to Town Manager Julie Hance, the standstill is a sign that the project is not only on schedule but also saving money. At its Sept. 16 meeting, […]

Derry Main St. paving wraps for season as town begins to focus on future Master Plan
By Cherise Madigan ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Londonderry’s Main Street paving project will continue into November, Town Administrator Shane O’Keefe announced at Monday’s Londonderry Select Board meeting, and the project is on-schedule to be completed this fall with the exception of a wear coat — the final driving surface for the newly paved road that […]