Londonderry Select Board agenda for Nov. 2, 2020

The Londonderry Select Board will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Monday Nov. 2. The meeting will be held remotely via Zoom.  To attend online click here.  To attend by phone, dial (929) 205-6099 (Meeting ID: 8 4841 4807. The board urges the public to familiarize themselves with Zoom software ( prior to the meeting as the Board will not dedicate time to educating the public in its use.

Below is its agenda.

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Additions or Deletions to the Agenda

3. Minutes Approval – Meetings of October 19, 2020 & October 22, 2020

4. Select board Pay Orders

5. Announcements/Correspondence

6. Visitors and Concerned Citizens

7. Town Officials Business
a. Emergency Management Director – COVID-19 response updates
b. Town Clerk – Approve Land Records Portal Agreement with NEMRC
c. Listers – Consider hiring position of Town Assessor

8. Transfer Station/Solid Waste Management
a. Updates
b. Solid Waste Implementation Plan comment, review, and approval

9. Roads and Bridges
a. Updates
b. Discuss options for winter maintenance due to staffing shortage
c. Letter of intent to participate in the 2021 Municipal Roads Grants-in-Aid Program

10. Old Business
a. Discuss additional Wi-Fi booster locations for public use
b. Consider proposal for Town Office cleaning services
c. Review proposed invitation to bid for Pingree Park & Town Hall winter maintenance services
d. Consider change of job description of Zoning/Floodplain Administrator position
e. Ratify Board vote regarding Vermont Council on Rural Development offer for community
engagement process

11. New Business
a. Discuss FY2022 budget goals
b. Request by Chester Snowmobile Club for use of Town property for snowmobile trails
c. Executive Session – The appointment or employment or evaluation of a public officer or
employee, per 1 V.S.A. 313 (a)(3)

12. Adjourn


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