To the editor: Rep. Tom Bock thanks voters
for re-election
The Chester Telegraph | Nov 16, 2020 | Comments 0
I would like to thank the voters of Andover, Chester, Baltimore and North Springfield for re-electing me to a third term to be your State Representative in Montpelier. A sincere thank you for all your support.
Also, I am extremely grateful to my dedicated team who helped make this victory possible. A special thanks goes out to those who generously contributed money and time, wrote letters of support, and hosted lawn signs.
Thanks also to my opponent whom I enjoyed getting to know during the campaign. I wish him well in his future endeavors.
It is truly an honor to represent Windsor 3-1 District in the legislature and engage in the challenging issues facing our state.
Our journey continues to a better Vermont for all of us.
As always, I welcome any questions, opinions, thoughts, and concerns you may have on any legislative issue. You can contact me at or I look forward to hearing from you.
Rep. Tom Bock
Filed Under: Commentary • Letters to the Editor
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