College News

A number of area students have been named to the Castleton University Dean’s List for the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year.

To qualify for this academic honor, the student must maintain full-time status and a semester grade point average of 3.5. Wilson, a member of the class of 2024  is majoring in Physical Education. They Dean’s List students are:

Emery Benoit of Cavendish

Thomas Deslauriers of Chester

Madison Wilson of Chester

Olivia Wright of Chester

Scarlett Pugliese of South Londonderry

Bhavin Patel of Ludlow

Sarah Baitz of Ludlow

Breanna Stilwell of Springfield and

Deacon Watson of Springfield

The following local students were named to the Castleton University President’s List for the fall semester of the 2020-21 academic year. To qualify for this highest academic honor, students must maintain full-time status and a semester grade point average of 4.0.

Erik Heitsmith of Ludlow

Alexandra Hutchins of Springfield and

Alyssa Shaw of Ludlow

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