Andover Select Board agenda for Jan. 25

The Andover Select Board will hold its regular meeting via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Monday Jan. 25, 2021. To join: Personal Meeting ID 869 021 5007 Passcode 146374

Or call in: 1 929 436 2866 US.

Below is the agenda:

1. Call Select Board meeting to order.

2. Act on Agenda.

3. Act on Minutes: Act on the minutes from the January 11th meeting.

4. Public Comment (Time allowance: Five minutes per visitor, 10 minutes per topic): Members of the public may address the Board on appropriate topics that are not on this meeting’s agenda.

5. New Business:
A. Town Meeting Warning
B. Certificate of Highway Mileage
6. Old Business:
A. Bulk sand/gravel/stone from Renaud

7. Highways / Garage:
A. Excess Weight Permits
B. Road Commissioner’s report

8. Financial Orders.

9. Correspondence.

10. Adjourn.


Next Select Board Meeting, 02/08/2021, 6:30 p.m.

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