Archive for February, 2021

Henry Homeyer: Building your garden library
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC I know that many people, especially gardeners under the age of 40, use the internet to find the answers to their questions. That is fine, but the internet is full of “fake news” and spurious assertions. I do use the web, but if I want to learn about […]

Vaxx signups start Monday for those 65+ Covid-19 infections drop as deaths rise; state considers making educators' vaccines a priority
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC As the 65+ age band is poised to begin registering for the Covid-19 vaccine on Monday, March 1, Gov. Phil Scott indicated that state officials are considering priority vaccinations for educators and school staff as the state’s focus heats up to get children back to full-time in-person learning. Although Scott would […]

Helipad letter prompts Weston board to push
for updated Town Plan, zoning regulations
By Cherise Madigan ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Weston Select Board took the first step toward updating the town’s zoning laws and Town Plan at its Feb. 23 meeting, prompted by a letter from Vermont’s Transportation Board regarding permitting for helipads and airstrips. Transportation board Helipad Letter In the letter, which you can read here, […]

Chester Planning Comm. agenda for March 1
The Chester Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting via Zoom at 5 p.m. on Monday March 1. To join the meeting go to Below is its agenda. 1. Citizen comments 2. Discuss letter to Select Board about Peter Hudkins presentation at the February 17, 2021 Select Board meeting. 3. Discuss agenda and set […]

GMUSD board plans retreat, principal search continues
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Two Rivers Supervisory Union Superintendent Lauren Fierman brought her suggestion to hold a board retreat later this year to the Green Mountain Unified School District board at its monthly meeting last Thursday. She said that the SU and its two school districts — Green Mountain and Ludlow-Mt. […]

Springfield, Ludlow to be among 11 new EV
fast-charging stations in Vermont
Gov. Phil Scott announced Monday that 11 new plug-in electric vehicle fast-charge stations are scheduled to be installed across Vermont over the next two years. The charge stations will be located in Springfield, Ludlow, Wilmington, Rutland, Newport, Enosburgh, St. Johnsbury, Johnson, South Hero, Randolph and Fair Haven. The chargers will be a part of the […]

To the editor: Vote for Chase for Chester Select Board
We are supporting Heather Chase in her campaign for re-election as one of three candidates for a three-year position on the Chester Select Board. Having served on the Select Board for six years, Heather has demonstrated good leadership in maintaining and improving Chester as a comfortable and livable place for us to live, work and […]

To the editor: Hoser would bring unique abilities to Chester Select Board
Having personally been in need of emergency services in the last few years, I’ve been fortunate to have had the very competent services of physician assistant Will Hoser on a number of occasions. I received not just effective medical care from him, but also the comfort and reassurance of his caring manner. The warmth and […]

Chester Planning Commission ousts its chair
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By a vote of four to zero on Monday night, the Chester Planning Commission removed Peter Hudkins from his position as its chairman. The action was based on a presentation Hudkins made before the Select Board at its meeting last Wednesday in which commission members said he […]

Weston’s free ‘Pop-Up University’ restarts; Free screening of ‘Coded Bias’ on facial recognition
Pop-Up University restarts for classes in March The Weston Pop-Up University is returning in March with four weeks of classes, events and workshops led by local residents, all held virtually because of Covid-19 pandemic rules. This year’s Pop-Up schedule includes nine on-line classes and workshops offering a wide variety of topics from Italian cooking lessons […]

To the editor: Vote for Hoser for Chester Select Board
Dedication and commitment to one’s community are the hallmarks of a good public servant, and that is why I am delighted to write a letter in support of Will Hoser for a one-year term on Chester’s Select Board. I have known Will for 16 years and know that he is someone who really cares about […]

Margaret Elizabeth Cheshire, 78, of Winhall
WINHALL Margaret Elizabeth Cheshire, aged 78, passed away at home in Vermont on Feb. 17, 2021 after a long and courageous battle with colon cancer. She was born June 10, 1943 in Huntington, N.Y., to Charles and Charlotte Quinn. Peggie was the third of five children: Joe (Liz), Helen (predeceased 2008), Jamie (Louise) and Paul […]

Op-ed: VPR/Vermont PBS — The Vermont media conglomerate
By Matt Krauss The largest non-profit media organization in Vermont history –made up of Vermont Public Radio and the Vermont Public Broadcasting System — will soon have 117 employees, an annual budget $18 million and $91 million in assets. Seven Days has around 43 employees; VtDigger around 22. How many at your local newspaper? Its […]

Left in Andover: Home Dem meetings were
a lifeline for rural women in the 1950s
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC When I was a child, my mother looked forward to Andover “Home Dem,”or Friendly Club meetings. Open to all, they were held at a different member’s home each month. Each meeting included a practical educational topic of discussion as well as time to socialize. The Home Demonstration movement […]

Chester Chatter: Rewarding friendship spans age
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A house in our neighborhood in Springfield stood vacant for some time. Then one summer day, a moving truck backed up. We kids crept near behind some bushes to see: Would there be any kids to play with? No, it turns out. Just two old people, Henry and […]

Henry Homeyer: mid-winter care for your houseplants
By Henry Homeyer ©2020 Telegraph Publishing LLC Are you suffering from the mid-winter blahs? More importantly, are your houseplants? We can’t be in our gardens outside now – except for a few stalwarts who are pruning, I suppose – but we can take good care of our houseplants. Although I have not the passion for […]

Weekly Covid Update: Travel restrictions loosened for those vaccinated
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC With vaccination rates and dose allotment on the rise and new Covid-19 cases on the decline, Gov. Phil Scott announced on Friday a loosening of travel restrictions, as well as changes to protocols within long-term care and other senior living facilities, for fully vaccinated Vermonters. Scott also said changes are expected […]

Chester Planning Commission special meeting agenda for Feb. 22, 2021
The Chester Planning Commission will hold a special meeting via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. on Monday February 22, 2021. To join the meeting go to To attend by phone dial (646) 558 8656 and use meeting id: 885 1664 9788 Below is the commission’s agenda: Citizens Comments Discuss the presentation Peter Hudkins made to […]

Forest rangers ask for Derry help in controlling rogue footbridge, bike paths Cannabis vote still on burner; joint policing with Jamaica considered
By Cherise Madigan ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC US. Forest Service rangers are looking into a seemingly unsanctioned footbridge and adjoining bike paths constructed in Londonderry’s Sherwood Forest neighborhood, and on Monday they requested the town Select Board’s assistance in investigating and resolving the issue. Martina Barnes, USFS Manchester District ranger, told the Londonderry Select Board […]

Meet the Candidates: Three vie for two 1-year seats on Chester Select Board
© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Three races for the Chester Select Board are being contested in this year’s election: Three people are running for a three-year term and another three people are running for two one-year terms. Leigh Dakin and Jeff Holden are seeking re-election to their one-year seats and are being challenged by Will […]