Springfield, Ludlow to be among 11 new EV
fast-charging stations in Vermont
The Chester Telegraph | Feb 24, 2021 | Comments 3

An EV station. Photo from State of Vermont.
Gov. Phil Scott announced Monday that 11 new plug-in electric vehicle fast-charge stations are scheduled to be installed across Vermont over the next two years. The charge stations will be located in Springfield, Ludlow, Wilmington, Rutland, Newport, Enosburgh, St. Johnsbury, Johnson, South Hero, Randolph and Fair Haven.
The chargers will be a part of the Blink Network and available to all EV drivers. There are currently two Blink Network stations in Vermont — at the McDonald’s in Brattleboro and at Marlboro College.
When these new stations are completed, nearly every Vermonter will be within 30 miles of a fast-charge station.
“Electric vehicles will play an important role in our efforts to combat climate change, and we’re working to make them more affordable and accessible for Vermonters,” said Scott. “These new fast-charge stations will help more Vermonters drive electric by bringing EV technology to where Vermonters live, work and play. A highway corridor fast-charging network will also prepare Vermont for commercial travel and tourism as the transportation sector continues to electrify.”
Vermont has the greatest number of EV stations in the nation per capita, with 114 public EV chargers per 100,000 people, and the number of registered EVs in Vermont has risen by 321 percent since 2015. The increase in the number of EVs highlights the urgent need to expand EV charging infrastructure in the state, increasing charger availability and filling gaps in the charging network.
“These new fast-charging options will provide up to 225 miles of range in 30 minutes, enabling more EV travel options across Vermont and beyond. Combined with incentives offering $10,000 or more toward eligible EV purchases, now is a great time to make the switch,” said David Roberts, the Drive Electric Vermont coordinator.
The 11 stations are made possible thanks to an agreement between Blink Charging and the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development working with the Agency of Natural Resources, the Agency of Transportation, the Public Service Department and the Department of Health. The 11 new charging stations will cost $1.7 million and will be paid for using money from the Volkswagen settlement and administered by DHCD. The agreement builds on previous EV infrastructure development in Vermont. To date, Vermont has invested $2.7 million from the Volkswagen settlement funds to install 86 level 2 and 16 fast charge stations.
The interagency team is working on another request for proposals for six more highway corridor fast-charging stations at strategic locations across the state. The next round will be funded with capital construction funds through AOT also administered by DHCD. To learn about Vermont’s EV charging funding programs, click here. Information on electric vehicle incentives and charging options is available by clicking here.
Filed Under: Latest News
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It takes about 5 minutes to fill a gasoline or diesel vehicle with fuel at a gas station. Look at the large number of gas stations in the state. Now, if all fossil fuel cars are replaced with electric cars that take six times as long to recharge, we are going to need a heck of a lot of charging stations.
So while your car is charging (30 mins) for the fast charge, where do you go to wait? Especially in the winter. Obviously you can’t wait in your car as you’d have to keep it running to stay warm. I’m assuming you can’t have car running while it’s charging?
I’m happy that we’re heading in the right direction with this but we really should pick up the pace to get ahead of the coming demand. Not only will more plug-in passenger cars be on the road soon, but the all electric pickups and heavy trucks will be here before we know it as well. It would be a shame to let the lack of charging infrastructure slow the adoption rate of this incredible new vehicle technology.