Archive for April, 2021

Chester Chatter: Uncle Kenny was a kid’s best friend
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I adored my Uncle Kenny. When I was growing up, he and my Aunt Dottie lived right next door to us. They ran a small mom & pop grocery store as well a butcher shop that attracted customers from miles around. The store was in the basement of […]

Henry Homeyer: Time to reflect on our gardens
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC This is a good time to look carefully at your garden, and to decide what you might do to make it better. Spring is upon us, trees and shrubs are waking up in my garden, but perennials are still mostly dormant and woody plants are just beginning to […]

After heated votes, GM board looks at what’s next
By Shawn Cunningham and Cynthia Prairie ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Thursday’s meeting of the board of the Green Mountain Unified School District left few members — if any — feeling unbloodied from the voting process and the public’s reaction. During the meeting some members complained of receiving threats for voting ‘no’ to approving a one […]

A single vote changes and GM board appoints Keith Hill principal
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC In an often contentious and confusing meeting on Thursday night, the Green Mountain Unified School District Board looked at a bleak prospect and voted 5-4 to rescind its recent vote to reject its superintendent’s recommendation for a new high school principal. With four members continuing to stand […]

Weekly Covid Update: State of emergency extended; vaxx registration begins for 16 & up
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Even as Vermont has reached a significant milestone — more than half of all Vermonters 16 and up have received at least one dose of a Covid vaccine — Gov. Phil Scott is extending Vermont’s state of emergency for another month, as he and his team continue to manage the pandemic […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for April 19
The Chester Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday April 19, 2021 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and Via Zoom. To join the meeting go to Below is its agenda Review minutes from March 29, 2021 and April 5, 2021 meetings. Citizen comments. Discuss Proposed bylaws with Jason […]

GMUSD board meeting agenda for April 15
The board of the Green Mountain Unified School District will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. on Thursday April 15, 2021 via Zoom. To join the meeting go to Below is its agenda: I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call II. Approval of Agenda: (Additions & Deletions) III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. March […]

Green Up Day in Chester: Bags, books, planting and more
The Chester Conservation Committee announce plans for its 51st Green Up Day – Saturday, May 1, 2021. This state-wide effort helps Chester and the state shine. Please consider greening up your area. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, May 1, everyone is invited to go to the Whiting Library, 117 Main St., to pick […]

Amy Harlow named Flood Brook principal
The Flood Brook School has named Amy Harlow of Westminster as its new principal. She begins her tenure on July 1. One of five schools in the Taconic & Green School District, the Flood Brook School serves the communities of Landgrove, Londonderry, Peru and Weston. Parents, teachers and students from each of the four towns […]

Sign up now: Grace Cottage 5k to be held in person, virtually
Registration is now open for Grace Cottage’s 12th Annual Spring into Health 5K! Your registration fee helps Grace Cottage Family Health & Hospital to continue providing excellent patient care in our community. This year’s event will be held both in person and virtually. There are a limited number of in-person time slots on Saturday, May […]

To the editor: Vt. Women’s Caucus stands with Asian-Americans against hate
We, of the Women’s Legislative Caucus, are writing to express both our sadness and anger at the recent acts of hatred and violence in Georgia against Asian Americans which resulted in the killing of eight people including six Asian American women. The latest violence toward the Asian community, and these women in particular, is fueled […]

Six GM board members say what went into principal voting decisions
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The actual deliberations that went into the Green Mountain Unified School District board’s decision not to offer GM teacher Keith Hill a one-year contract as principal will remain shrouded by the executive session where they took place. But The Telegraph asked board members to share their personal […]

Op-ed: 2 proposals would amend Vt. Constitution
By Sen. Alison Clarkson The Vermont Constitution is a living document and, as such, is allowed to be amended. However, the authors of our Constitution in 1777 did not make it an easy document to amend. It is a multi-year process, requiring review and approval in two consecutive legislative biennia (in this case 2019-20 and […]

Take-Back Day: Drop unused prescription drugs at police departments
On Saturday, April 24, the public will be able to prevent pill abuse and theft by ridding their homes of potentially dangerous, expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs at secure drop boxes throughout Windsor County. The Take-Back Day is sponsored by the Windsor County Sheriff’s Office, local and state law enforcement agencies, and the Drug […]

Applications accepted for nursing scholarship
Applications are being accepted for the 16h Annual Eileen Austin Neal Nursing Scholarship of $1,000. This scholarship is open to any student who has been accepted into a nursing program of study. Applicants will be judged on interest in and commitment to the field of nursing. Determination will be based on merit and need. Eileen […]

Editorial: Give Keith Hill the contract
By Cynthia Prairie editor, The Chester Telegraph ©2021 Telegraph Publishing There have been plenty of instances over the years that The Telegraph has been covering various boards when members claim that their decision is based upon the recommendations of either another body or of the general public, whom they have been elected to represent. So […]

Chester board gets feedback on paper of record choice
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC Before calling its meeting to order on the evening of Wednesday, April 7, the Chester Select Board held a forum to hear public comments on its decision to name The Chester Telegraph as the town’s paper of record for legally required public notices for the coming year. For […]

Chester board passes on reversing course on Mosher land
By Shawn Cunningham © Telegraph Publishing LLC At its March 17 meeting, the Chester Select Board heard from project managers who will consolidate the Thompson and Jewett bridges along Route 103 North into one bridge. Before getting deeply into the design phases of the project, they wanted to see if Chester would change course and […]

Left in Andover: The universe in a pocketbook
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC According to my smart phone, I now carry 7,282 photos with me everywhere I go. They comprise an impenetrable mishmash of videos of grandchildren, photos of trees, as well as documents and reminders to self. I get lost in them, unable to distinguish which are of value. I […]

Chester Chatter: Creating wonderful family scenes during Covid
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Covid-19 pandemic has been tough on all of us. Wouldn’t we all wish it would come to an end? However not all is bad. We have learned some lessons from staying home and not moving about for trips and going on shopping sprees. For the first time, […]