Archive for April, 2021

Henry Homeyer: Did you know your growing habits can help our feathered friends?
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By now birds are finding their own food and have less need for that sunflower seed we have been providing during the cold days of winter. So what can we do to help our birds as they go into the season of having young? Growing native trees and […]

Weekly Covid Update: High case counts continue among younger Vermonters
© 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Although many numbers started to trend downward this week, high Covid-19 case counts and outbreaks are likely to continue in the very near future in younger populations, i.e.: those not vaccinated, according to Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine. Driving the high numbers are the variants in the picture — […]

To the editor: School staffs wear red to support Keith Hill for GM principal Public asked to attend April 15 GM board meeting
Green Mountain and Cavendish Town Elementary school faculty and staff today wore red in solidarity and support of the recommendation by both the search committee and Two Rivers Supervisory Union Superintendent Lauren Fierman that Keith Hill be appointed principal of Green Mountain Union High School. The board’s rejection of the recommendation has caused confusion and […]

GM board rejects principal recommendation 4-3
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC By a vote of 4-3 with one abstention, the board of the Green Mountain Unified School District late Tuesday night rejected the recommendation of Two Rivers Superintendent Lauren Fierman to name Keith Hill the next principal of Green Mountain High School. Hill, a social studies teacher in […]

Fractious Chester Planning Commission elects chair on a coin flip
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The Chester Planning Commission met on Monday night for the first time since the town’s Select Board removed one member and appointed two more. What that appeared to create was two factions with differing views of zoning and the tie-breaking vote in the hands of a newcomer […]

League of Women Voters offers college scholarships
Vermont high school students looking for a scholarship to help pay the way for college can now apply to the League of Women Voters of Vermont Education Fund Winona Smith Scholarship program. Applications are due on May 1 and can be completed online by clicking here. Students need to submit two essays (500 words), one […]

New admissions position at Stratton Mtn. School; Springfield Hospital hires CEO
Stratton coach to become action sports admissions coordinator Stratton Mountain School has named Brian Knowles as its action sports admissions coordinator, establishing a new position within the school’s current admissions team. “We are very excited to have Brian joining us,” said Head of School Carson Thurber ’02. “He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience […]

Springfield Hospital to allow visitors under some conditions
As per Gov. Phil Scott, visitors can now return to Vermont hospitals, including Springfield Hospital, under certain new restrictions. At Springfield Hospital, only fully vaccinated visitors are permitted to access the Inpatient Care Unit and Emergency Department unless they qualify under an exception. Visitors must have received their full Covid-19 vaccination series at least two […]

Weston Playhouse re-opens with ‘Mountain Top,’ ‘Ring of Fire,’ ‘Seussical’
Susanna Gellert, executive artistic director of Weston Playhouse Theatre Company, has announced her third season at the helm of Vermont’s award-winning professional theater. It is also the 85th anniversary of the Weston Playhouse Theatre Company. It was just a year ago that the playhouse announced that it was canceling the 2020 season due to the […]

New dimensions in Chester zoning proposal
March 17: Huge changes possible in Chester’s proposed new bylaws March 24: Proposed zoning bylaws raise questions of uses, costs By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Allowed uses — such as single family home, restaurant, retail shop or light industry to name just a few — are not the only way of crafting […]

Left in Andover: Perfectly ordinary beauty
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC I spent most of my year and a half in Japan, from late 1972 to early 1974, bent over a potters wheel. But I did take a monthlong break between apprenticeships to hitchhike around the country. I managed to visit every single one of the six ancient kiln […]

Chester Chatter: Support your local businesses
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Decades ago, one did not have to leave Chester for most things. We had three grocery stores: Jamison’s Market, Al’s IGA and Gould’s. We had two hardware stores, a grain store, two diners and gas stations galore. Usually, you would travel to Claremont, N.H. for special purchases, such […]

GMUSD board special meeting agenda for April 6
The Green Mountain Unified School District board will hold a special meeting via Zoom at 6 p.m. on Tuesday April 6. To join the meeting go to Below is the board’s agenda: I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Roll call II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: (Additions & Deletions) III. PUBLIC COMMENTS: IV. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: V. […]

Chester Planning Commission agenda for April 5
The Chester Planning Commission will hold its regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday April 5 at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To attend by Zoom go to Below is the commission’s agenda: 1. Re-organizational meeting. 2. Review minutes from March 15, 2021 meeting. 3. Citizen comments. 4. Discuss plans for […]

Photo gallery: Great Cavendish Easter egg hunt
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC There wasn’t a cloud in the sky on Saturday morning as the Cavendish Recreation Department held its annual Easter Egg Hunt. But while the sunshine was bright, the freezing temperatures and gusty winds made the event a chilly one at Greven Field. After all 37 children were […]

Henry Homeyer: the art of timing veggie planting
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Iknow some gardeners that plant their potatoes or tomatoes in the garden on the same day every year. Not me. I think planting time is best based not only on the last frost date in your garden, but also the soil temperature and up-to-date weather predictions. And of […]

Covid Weekly Update: Record breaking spike reason for concern
©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC A record-breaking spike with over 1,257 positive Covid-19 cases this week has Vermont Health Commissioner Dr. Mark Levine saying that although there is reason for optimism in the near future, “when it comes to the present, frankly I am very concerned.” The spike is largely concentrated in younger age groups with […]

Chester Select Board agenda for April 7
The Chester Select Board will hold a special meeting following a public forum that will begin at 6 p.m. on Wednesday April 7, 2021. The meeting and forum will be held in-person at Town Hall, 556 Elm Street and via Zoom. To join the meeting go to In person attendance is limited, so please […]