Archive for June, 2021

Story ballet ‘Thumbelina’ sparkles on Cobleigh Field
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC On a perfect early summer evening, 11 local dancers marched on to Chester’s Cobleigh Field to premiere a new “story ballet” choreographed by Ashley Hensel-Browning and set to Vermont composer Evan Premo’s Thumbelina. The cast danced to a recording of Premo’s original musical setting of Hans Christian […]

College News
The following students have been named to the Dean’s List at the University of New Hampshire in Durham for the spring 2021 semester. Sierra Kehoe of Chester for earning Highest Honors Jenna Veysey of Springfield for earning Highest Honors Katrina Ewens of Londonderry for earning High Honors Students named to the Dean’s List at the […]

GNAT-TV survey seeks community feedback
Greater Northshire Access Television is conducting a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment Survey for anyone living or working in the GNAT-TV service area. Anyone who completes the survey will be entered to win a new iPad, made possible by donations from GNAT-TV’s Board of Directors. GNAT-TV’s service area includes: Arlington, Dorset, Manchester, Peru, Londonderry, Rupert, Sandgate, […]

Weston considers replacing Zoning Board with Development Review Board
By Mallory Hopkins ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC During the Weston Select Board meeting on Tuesday, June 22, members began discussing replacing the Zoning Board of Adjustment with a Development Review Board, which would allow landowner to have a “one-stop shop” when it comes to seeking decisions on land-use issues. Board vice chair Jim Linville said […]

Heritage Deli fund-raiser for CAFC draws good crowd; One Credit announces scholarships
Heritage Deli fund-raiser for CAFC draws good crowd Michelle Wilcox, owner of the Heritage Deli in Chester, hosted a fund-raiser on Deli grounds on Saturday for the Chester-Andover Family Center. A good crowd turned out for the family-friendly event to listen to live music, played by Lucky Soul, pictured right, enjoy food provided by the […]

Celebration of Life July 31 for Patricia Larson of Chester
The Celebration of Life for Chester resident Patricia C. Larson, 89, who died in 2020, will be held on July 31 after a yearlong delay due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Patricia died peacefully in April of 2020 with her family by her side. Her family now invites you to her celebration of life. The memorial […]

Green Mt. Gardeners hosts Garden Walks July 17
Green Mountain Gardeners’ Mountain Garden Walks will take place on Saturday, July 17, to benefit the Lib Thieme Scholarship Fund. Ethan Lareau, current scholarship recipient, says, “This scholarship allows me to worry less about the financial obligations of college and to focus more on my studies. I very much appreciate the support of this award […]

Left in Andover: A jumpstart on a year of renewal
By Susan Leader ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC While Covid-19 has devastated us humans, it has proved modestly beneficial for the environment and wildlife. Estimates are that greenhouse gas emissions were down almost 10 percent worldwide over the past year, the result of decreases in travel and manufacturing. The pandemic has handed us an unwilling jumpstart […]

Chester Chatter: On the horse-pulling circuit
By Ruthie Douglas ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC For a few summers, Don and I traveled up and down the state of Vermont with our pulling horses. Tink and Toby were beautiful Morgan horses. With pulling horses, we had the opportunity to meet some very interesting people. The owners of most pulling horses were farmers and […]

Henry Homeyer: Here’s what you can do with a dead tree
By Henry Homeyer ©2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC If you are a regular reader of this column, you know that I kill plants (just like you probably do). Houseplants, annuals, flowers in the ground, and yes, even trees. Although some oaks live 400 years, most plants naturally have a much shorter life span. And although some […]

Andover Select Board agenda for June 28
The Select Board for the Town of Andover will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 28 at the Andover Town Office, 953 Weston-Andover Road, and via Zoom. To access via Zoom, click here. Meeting ID: 869 021 5007; Passcode: 146374 1. Call Select Board meeting to order. 2. Act on Agenda. 3. Act on Minutes: […]

Weston Hub restaurant opens Friday night at Playhouse Temporary home as work continues on Walker Farm site
The Hub at Weston opens on Friday, June 25, in its temporary home at the Weston Playhouse, located on the Green in Weston, 12 Park St., while work at its permanent home at the Walker Farm farmhouse is being completed. Walker Farm is also the home of the Playhouse at Walker Farm, a state-of-the-art, flexible […]

To the editor: Vermont’s shifting population means public input on redistricting more crucial
The 2020 Census numbers for Vermont indicate that our little state grew by about 20,000 people over the past decade, or +2.8 percent. We also know that within Vermont our overall population has been migrating toward the northwest region of the state (Chittenden, Franklin and Lamoille counties), and away from the south and east. Moreover, […]

College News
The following students graduated from Vermont Tech in Randolph Center in the spring. Branden Bryant of Springfield, pursuing an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management & Technology Michael Gurney of Springfield, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Construction Management Ewan McGrath of Chester, pursuing an Associate of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering Technology Ilana Newton […]

Greenhouse siting takes center stage at Chester Select Board meeting
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC The question of where to put a large greenhouse for community use was once again front and center on at the June 15 meeting of Chester’s Select Board with some questions and and a bit of push back from neighbors at each of the sites under consideration. […]

Sunreed Instruments of Chester launches scholarship
Sunreed Instruments of Chester announces its first Music Education Scholarship Award has been awarded to Jonathan Oakes of Ludlow. Each year, with the assistance of Green Mountain Union High School, one recipient will be chosen from the graduating class, to receive a $1,000 scholarship. This goes to someone who shows excellence in music education, overall […]

Green Mountain graduates 50 in a return to normal commencement
By Shawn Cunningham 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC Green Mountain High’s commencement exercises on Friday were a welcomed return to normal compared to last year’s drive-thru graduation. Hundreds of parents and friends watched as 50 members of the class of 2021 received awards and diplomas. (A gallery of graduates is at the end of this story.) […]

GM board wrangles over approval of minutes from Hill appointment
By Shawn Cunningham © 2021 Telegraph Publishing LLC At its first in-person monthly meeting in more than a year, the Green Mountain Unified School Board on June 17 continued its rumpus over the minutes taken during the meeting in which Keith Hill was named high school principal. For 45 minutes, the members wrangled over parliamentary […]

Green Mountain seniors receive awards, scholarships
© Telegraph Publishing LLC At a ceremony on Friday June 11, the Green Mountain High School recognized students with the announcement of awards and scholarships. The list of the recipients is below. Chester High School/GMUHS Alumni Association Kyleigh Moses & Rosalee Saccardo Masonic Lodge Olive Branch #64 Sadie Kobak & Erik Heitsmith Order of the […]

After pandemic year, music returns Saturday
to West River Farmers Market in Londonderry
Listen to the music of The Poor Cousins, performing at the West River Farmers Market on Saturday. For the first time in more than a year, music is returning to the West River Farmers Market on Saturday, June 26. The market will be hosting musicians The Poor Cousins, playing Celtic and classical tunes between […]